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Epoch squad

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Lookin for a few players to fill out our Epoch squad. Have teamspeak and a mic because we don't type chat. 18+ the other squadies are 20s and up. Mature, fun, nice, laid back and noobs are welcome. We are on right now and will be playing most of the evening and weekend.

We just play for fun but use tactics to keep from getting owned by the other squads :P

PM me for IPs


Edit #1

This is a UK Epoch server on which I'm an admin but it runs just fine for me from west coast U.S.


Edit #2

Kill a guy named Kylebeed and I'll give you a briefcase of Gold.

Kill a guy named Flexen08 and I'll give you 2 briefcases of Gold.


Edit #3

Lots of PvP bandit squads here so, as always, be careful around other players.

Edited by WargameKlok

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