Kra 151 Posted June 21, 2012 Date/Time: 21/06/12 - Between 11pm-12amAESTWhat happened:Okay 2 different odd things happened. Right after I stopped recording video of course.Teammate notices a bunch of items in the grass off to the west of tractor. All over the ground about 10-15m away, (could of been spread further, we gave up looking) there are all sort of items that we all had between us. As though someones bag had a hole in it, and all these items were dropped in lines where they'd been running. Each individual piece had to be picked up ie: they were not in gear groups.Ok, odd. We picked up what we could, thought that perhaps we'd dropped moving stuff around in the tractor. Other guys log off and leave me to move the tractor to a safe location. I finally find somewhere I'm happy with and hop out to save it. Hmm.. can't get the save option up. Try to move it a couple of times and as I'm outside trying to save it, ZOOP, pow, suddenly I'm teleported like 1 or 2 km's back to were the tractor started, by myself looking at some dude driving in a jeep across the field we were near before the guys logged. I freak out and run back the way I was driving to try and find the tractor again. I found it exactly where I left it and could save it this time.Where you were:Somewhere in the middle of the mapWhat you were doing:Pretty much covered above.*Current installed version:, and OA Beta 93965*Server(s) you were on:NA*Your system specs:NA*Timeline of events before/after error:Find tractorDrive tractorRaid townKill peopleLoad loot into tractorLoot explosionMates log offDrive tractorHop out, attempt to save tractor (nope)Teleport back to tractors original location (~5m off of it)Run back to tractorSaveLogout Share this post Link to post Share on other sites