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Vertical look / freelook not working

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Hello every one!


I known of dayz for some time now but have only recently bought arma2 just so I could play dayz in all its glory :)


Me and a few friends installed original dayz mod and played on different servers for a week now with out any problems except a few hackers. But now we decided we want to try out dayz epoch and panthera. This is where the trouble started but to my surprise I have not found any posts related to my problem so as a last resort before a full reinstall I turn to you for help.


I used dayz commander for all my dayz mod installations and all are up to date, but every time I join panthera or epoch server my control scheme seems broken. My vertical axis seems to be locked as I can not view up and down with my mouse. Only the gun/ch moves up and down while vertical view is fixed. Also when I turn on freelook it gets locked straight in front of me and I can not look in any direction. Normal arma2 and OA controls are working fine and so is dayz 


So far I have tried:

-remaping aim, look, freelook maps

-turned head bobing and dead zone all the way down in game options

-made a new profile

-made sure my controllers are disconnected


If any one has any more ideas that I could try please let me know.


Best regards




EDIT: fixed, read last post!

Edited by J3nc

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you tried just double clicking the left alt key?

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  On 12/5/2013 at 6:22 PM, Box said:

you tried just double clicking the left alt key?


Yes I have tried double clicking left alt it produces the same effect as * would. It lock the camera straight in front of my character/POV and only allows me to move crosshair inside the locked view.

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  On 12/5/2013 at 6:28 PM, J3nc said:

It lock the camera straight in front of my character/POV and only allows me to move crosshair inside the locked view.


That happens when you're in aiming mode. Are you in first or third person when all this occurs and is there any chance you could get some video of it? I don't know what's going on but once we see it, we might be able to figure out.

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It does not matter if I'm in 1st or 3rd person its the same problem. I'll try to get a video going if the full reinstall that I'm in the middle of does not do the job.

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Alright, I hope that fixes your problem. If not, hopefully the video shows what's going on.

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Ok so the reinstall didn't help even the 3rd time around. It seems no mater what I try I can not fix this.


Here is the video of what is going on..





So I have managed to fix my problem, solution was to remove default maps for look up, down, left, right (analog) which are on the bottom of infantry controls, they were set to FreeTrack. I was playing with freeTrack a while back but didn't get any reliable results.


Hope this helps some one :)

Edited by J3nc
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