[email protected] 12 Posted December 5, 2013 (edited) The following is a write up from one of our FactionZ players; Gnashes. FactionZ - A Player's PerspectiveShaking, adrenaline, anticipation, and fear. That's what I felt my first night playing FactionZ; the first time in my life that a video game had actually made my hands shake and my heart race so much that I had to stop and talk several breaths to calm myself before continuing on my way. It's so different from your normal session of DayZ, and yet, I feel at home while playing it. FactionZ takes all of the fun of DayZ and adds several new twists and elements to it. Not only do you have a 100% guaranteed area to store vehicles, weapons, and supplies, but you also have multiple coordinated and well armed "factions" vying for control of areas of the map. And in a world where the resources are limited, and everyone wants what they don't have, those struggles for control often lead to intense, and deadly, firefights.FactionZ brings many new aspects into DayZ. It's 1/2 Survival/Horror, 1/2 Warfare. You might be looting an airfield with your faction, and suddenly be assaulted from the air, ground, and sea by a faction who had a scout in the area watching you. Or, you might be trying to leave Object A2 on Namalsk and fall victim to a patient sniper in the hills who's been waiting for that one opportune shot. FactionZ centers around PvP, but allows for a lot of PvE and loot gathering as well.FactionZ's Core Aspects- Safe Bases: Choose your location and place your base. It's the one place where the Admins allow for no rule bending, you don't enter another faction's safezone, nor do they enter yours. Stray too close and they have the right to fire upon you, while you can do nothing but run away.- Coordinated Tactics: Many factions are seasoned veterans of the game, and of FactionZ. Military tactics and guerrilla warfare are well known, and well utilized. Expect an attack from any angle, and be ready to adjust to changing situations mid-fight. You never know what can happen on the battlefield of a city, forest, or mountain range.- Looting: Looting and getting the gear back to base guarantees its safety. A good looter can make or break a faction. Even if you're not the best fighter, your team will still appreciate your contributions simply by gathering supplies and aiding the fight indirectly.- Vehicles: FactionZ allows for vehicles, but places some limitations. Most armed vehicles are disallowed, and the ones which are will be expensive and hard to obtain. Mobility is an advantage, and those who take the time to loot, or ambush their enemies and take their loot, will profit. However, a small faction can still hold their own with good comms, and accurate fire.- Loot Zombie: Our Admin spawns into the map with gear befitting a king. He'll give clues as to his location over Side chat, and Factions earn points for killing him. Not only that, but he also carries Mountain Dews, which are used for determining the winning faction each cycle. So killing Loot Zombie is only half the challenge, because you won't be the only faction with your eye down the sights of a weapon...- Events: The Admin(s) host weekly events ranging from bicycle races around Chernarus, to "CQC Rumble" in an Admin built arena. Every event is fun, allows for factions who are behind in points to catch up, and gives everyone a little time to unwind and just shoot everything that moves in a huge Attack Chopper infested FFA match occasionally.- Community: If you're looking for a good group of guys and gals to fall in with, VA's crowd are hard to beat. I've only been around for a few months, but they've welcomed me with open arms and have made me feel at home. Sure, we shoot each other to ribbons, steal each other's vehicles and loot, and have a plan to kill each and every person we meet in-game, but we're all friends and play together on other server. I've made more lasting friends in this community than in any other.Additionally, we're now moving over to Epoch for our server. So all of the fun things Epoch adds will be incorporated into FactionZ in the coming weeks. Look for more balanced traders, extra items, and maybe even a few surprises thrown into the mix! I've never had more fun playing on a DayZ server than I have with FactionZ and the VA community. The fights are exciting, the events are fun, and the community does a good job of keeping the game fun to play. I'd recommend anyone coming over and trying it for a week or two. If you'd like to see a little more on-the-fly strategy thrown into your DayZ, FactionZ is definitely the place for you. Come on over, I promise to kill you nicely. -Gnashes Important Information to Know - While playing FactionZ you are required to be on the 'FactionZ' Mumble server.- FactionZ requires you to sign up on a forum and request access. - There are server rules to follow that shape the game play, and design, of FactionZ. - FactionZ goes through 'Cycles' every month where the map is changed/reset and everyone starts fresh and declares a 'Faction Winner' of the Cycle.- Every day (roughly) are Loot Zombie events that are unique, fun, and hilarious. Along with weekend events for Faction Vs. Faction warfare. - Factions start at a max of 6 players to a Faction. Factions can grow overtime and increase their max slots by continuing to play more Cycles.- FactionZ 1.0 ran for roughly 1 year and then we went on break. We're back in Epoch now, as FactionZ 2.0, and hope you'll be apart of another memorable year. Websites to Check: http://servers.vigilantaddiction.com (Sign Up to Play here)http://www.youtube.com/LootZombie (Loot Zombie / Events Videos)http://www.youtube.com/VigilantVids (Loot Zombie / Events Videos) (Yes, I use various silly voices and make a fool out of myself) Edited December 5, 2013 by Strikes 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cywehner1234 582 Posted December 5, 2013 So this is arma, rather than DayZ. That's all I read, lmfao. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted December 5, 2013 So this is arma, rather than DayZ. That's all I read, lmfao. Haha! Not exactly but it's perhaps a little more 'Arma-ish' in regard to more Player Vs. Player tactical combat... and the Zeds just become a secondary 'feature' of the game, or, things to avoid. The Zeds still make going out for looting supplies and loot cycling interesting. We run FactionZ via EPOCH and then make slight modifications; like what's available on the traders and prices. Then we just give players more specific goals to attain every week/month with the Cycles. So, for people that kinda get bored with base DayZ/EPOCH because they 'do it all eventually'.... FactionZ give you that mission to complete, or goal to attain, "We won!" feeling at the end of the Cycles and during events. It also gives you a chance to play with people you can trust, by default, if you join a FactionZ. You're now working together toward a common goal, as a group. I know for the year that we've been doing it; a lot of people have formed some good friendships and memories, and to us... that's what Gaming really is all about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted December 10, 2013 Damn i love this community! So many new friends! So many old ones! I'll never leave. Can't. Make. Me. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted December 13, 2013 We're looking for some more Factions (Groups/Clans) to join and start up their bases! On your own? We've got a default 'Loner' group you can join if you like to Trade/Hire yourself out! Loot Zombie runs are daily; join in on the hilarious times and crazy stupid voices; chase him down and grab his loot and Cycle Points for your Faction! Each Cycle has a 'Best Base' award to give your Faction a boost in points for the Cycle in your attempt to win and be crowned the Cycle Faction Winner! Which... gets your Faction name, and your name, plastered on the Loading Screen for all future Cycles! We've been running FactionZ successfully for a year now and just Rebooted into Epoch so we could give the player base more control over their bases. Don't fall for any of these other servers that claim their running FactionZ or something like it. There's only one FactionZ and one Loot Zombie! What can you expect to have to do to join in on this?Visit: servers.vigilantaddiction.com and post in the Requesting Access threadPost your Faction, or pledge to a Faction, in the 'Faction Recruitment' forumDownload DayZ_Epoch and the current cycle mapRead up on the Server Rule Set while the map is downloading so you don't get temp banned, or chased down with a chainsaw.Join the required Mumble Server (Yes, you have to join it... it's for security/anti-hack reasons)KILL ALL THE FACTIONS! Events are every weekend; Friday and Saturday, to keep you busy all weekend long! We hope to see you and your clan there! We need some new blood to come in and take down the current leading Faction! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBigShide 5 Posted December 16, 2013 If you play a lot of DayZ and Epoch then FactionZ is definitely worth your time. I have been playing FactionZ since its birth and it has evolved into one awesome beast of a game. I would highly suggest checking it out if your interested in a friendly and helpful community and are looking for something a little more out of the DayZ / Epoch scenario that other servers have present, because honestly until you have participated in a FactionZ event you haven't lived. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MastaOfDisasta 30 Posted December 17, 2013 Hi, my name is Pots, and I love to snipe. The only thing I love more than sniping, is FactionZ. I've played on public servers in the past, Epoch servers, white list servers, and there's always something lacking on those servers that FactionZ gives me. A challenge. A challenge that only multiple groups of experienced organized players can provide. A few days ago, me and my faction [OP] stumbled upon another faction [HB] laying a trap for a 3rd faction [sOE]. In a sense, their ambush got ambushed from behind. We had no affiliation with either faction, we just wanted to pick a fight... and boy did we get one! After sniping one [HB], a massive firefight broke out on the southern half of the map involving all 3 factions. [HB]s were sandwiched between the two other factions and took massive casualties early, while trying to fight on 2 fronts. Several [sOE] were finally then taken out by the many [HB] in the area who also employed some Loners (people not in a faction) to help in the fight. Meanwhile my faction stayed back picking apart whatever we could find from 600-700m out. [HB] was forced to give up on their continued assault on [sOE], and on most public servers this is where a group of people would whine, disconnect, or simply flee. Not [HB], not in FactionZ, they turned their attention to us. They outnumbered us 6 to 2 at the time, and attacked us from multiple fronts to close the distance between us, forcing us to retreat Southwest over the crest of the hill. However, in this position, we had to give up our line of sight giving them cover to flank from wherver they wanted. We saw one on the crest of the hill to the Southeast and I got into position to take him out when my partner DC spots another closing the gap quickly to my immediate East. He doesn't have a clean shot and neither do I so we try to move West over some hills and unpredictably return back South once we're out of their line of sight in hopes of throwing off theire trail and repositioning. Once we get over the crest of the hill, however, we're greeted by 5.56 shots from a 3rd [HB] charging 300m right towards us. We scatter and scramble back over the crest, each taking a shot for solid damage. We don't have time to stop and bandage though, as the target on the East surely closed some of the gap by now, the sniper in the southeast will take us down if we stand still, and the one closing from the South will be over that crest himself any second. Our only path is to retreat Northwest, and hope they don't get a clean shot before we can get some cover. We scale mountains and hills, dodge behind trees and bushes, exchange gunfire all while being chased by the entire [HB] faction. Two clicks to the Northwest, we're still fighting and manage to take out another. We fall back another hill to the West and wait for them to pursue. I manage to see one looking for us on a mountaintop with my sniper scope 880m away. I hold my breath and take the shot, another one down. But now they know our position again. We try to switch it up and go 2 clicks more to the South, until we hear a Humvee driving down fast through the roads, the zombies of a nearby town giving our relative position away. Then we hear a little bird in the air flying right toward that town to give aerial reconosanse. This isn't a public server rookie little bird pilot hovering at 65 km/h and 250m out just asking to be shot down, this is guy makes sure to keep their speed above 110 and never get within 450m of our likely position. We have a choice to make, bust out our LMGs to try to take it down (a tough shot given the way he's flying) and give away our position completley, or ignore it and continue to stealthily make our way to the extract point, where I've parked my own get away chopper. As tempting as it was to try to take it out, we suppress our fire, continue 3 more clicks back south and a bit east. We make it to the Extract point without any more target sightings, hop in the chopper, and return to base. Mission accomplished. I don't do it for loot. I don't do it to make a point. I do it for fights like these. Challenges like these. Experiences like these. This is what FactionZ is about, to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites