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Non Social Game?

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This game is turning into a non social game.

There is no actually no chance where you can just chill and chat with players or make friends,

Only when is Direct communication but hey?

Would you take the risk to catch up with someone Type Hey , You friendly? and then hope he will not shoot you and not disconnect after you said that?

Would be awesome if the side chat comes back because this way we can make friends build community's , ask for help like when you're low on blood and makes the game more interesting with bandits trying to lure people.

Who agrees? Only valid reason's please and notsuch things like : YOur TEARS FEED ME , or CAREBear ETC ETC .

What's your thoughs?

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If I want to socialize I'll go to a pub.

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we had side chat, people were still getting killed, in fact it was worse because people would say things like, " hey i need blood in cherno", then ppl would run there and just kill the guy. se no, direct chat makes it way more fun IMO

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If they would add some sort of server wide chat again i hope they add it in a type of item (a rare item that allows you to broadcast and recieve them) wich basicly is like it has been but now you need to a item if you want to read and chat there.

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@ Nacrom , True but you cant enjoy playing a game on ur own for a long time ,

@ Cormac , That's what stupid people do thats not our fault that they are stupid and head there....

I dont think that should be a valid reason : I think its part of the game ,

In a zombie apoc there is also betray and lies

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Go to the Survivors section on the forums and find some peeps to hook up with. IMO it's the only way to go if you want to play with others - unless you have RL friends to join you.

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Get a mic, don't type out shit. Just ask the guy then, no risk unless you're stupid. Side chat had to go, it destroyed immersion and give bandits an advantage over the noobies that just revealed where they all were. You're supposed to be alone, having a magical telepathic link so you can talk to anyone and everyone at the same time doesn't mean you are alone

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Join a steam chat group for your server, or join your server's ts channel or join an irc channel.

I hated all the crap that went on over global and side chat and it really distracted you when it kept rolling chat after chat that took up the whole screen.

I am glad it is gone.

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"chill and chat with players or make friends"?

It's a zombie apocalypse!

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I'm okay with this. I don't really like most people. I play online games because it's far more interesting with human opponents and allies rather than just AI. Finally here's a game where I am not forced to interact with people if I don't feel like it aside from the pvp challenge.

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This game is going to an end... to many ***hole around.

There isn't a chance to cooperate because all players will kill you on sight. This is not a survival... is a deathmatch with zombies where all players wait you behind the corner.

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I don't think this was designed to be a social game. Not pretty sure, but I think Rocket is in the right way here.

Want a social game? Farmville is outta there

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I'm sure team /social building and settlement building content will be added in the future but they need to determine how they would make it work in game thats all. What we just saw was the Zed AI get tweaked along with removal to no weapons and added melee weapons. They just want make sure this build is good and then we will see something soon =)

(Looking into my crystal ball) lol

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go play an mmo if you want to sit around and sing songs and talk about how great your loot is

no one with any sense or gear is going to risk their character's life on the unknowable actions of some random survivor(s) they found

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This game is going to an end... to many ***hole around.

There isn't a chance to cooperate because all players will kill you on sight. This is not a survival... is a COD with zombies.

Why do you think people would cooperate with you in the same situation?

If it was real and I had only one can of beans and spotted you running in my direction, I'd shoot you right in your balls, bro.

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I agree ignore the rest of the fanboy bullshit with there retarded "social" replys..

boring now, no chat no guns no food..

the game now plays like this

Spawn with nothing.

Run to the nearest town as fast as you can.

Check the first 3 buildings you come to while hoping the zombie train dont get you

dont find a gun? die repeat above steps

do find a gun? kill the 40 Zed out side then die to the first person that see's hears all the noise.

also whats with the food drinks spawn? that needs fixing asap in my opinion..

game wont last as long as it is now sorry to say :)

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No need to insult everyone there big guy.

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I'm friendly, for me the best part of Dayz is the player interaction, and I know many others think the same. We are a minority though. My thinking is that for every player I help out, there's a chance that player will be friendly to others too. What goes around comes around.. Sure I get shot a lot, but I can live with that (no pun intended :) ).

I've met many friendly players on servers like EU11 and SE10.

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do find a gun? kill the 40 Zed out side then die to the first person that see's hears all the noise.

oh dear

and you wonder why you die

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wasnt insulting anyone was "just saying" after reading the first few replys

makes you laugh on here your not allowed to say anything that goes against the masses lol.

do find a gun? kill the 40 Zed out side then die to the first person that see's hears all the noise.

oh dear

and you wonder why you die

I dont die due to that, i have friends and others who play the game that have said this? 2 very new players that i got playing this game/mod now both cant understand why its been checnged to this with the past few fast patches, to be honest i dont quite understand it either myself..

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Why does every game nowadays must be a social game ? i mean dont we have enough of that stuff all day/night with Fb,Twitter,TS3,Skype,Mumble,Reallife:cool: and what not

I would even turn off the XXX was killed message.

I dont want to read whos looting an AK in cherno every 10 minutes and other useless stuff like that, its just ruin the whole games atmosphere for me.

If they get Radios in where you can "chat" its okey ( as long as you dont need to read/hear it, loot it and then turn off/on channels 1-10 like changing the Radio frequenz!?)

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I think a radio should bring back chat to players who have them. brings back a use to that item

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