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New DayZ Player looking for a mature/realism Clan!

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Hello DayZ players! I'm new to DayZ but I've played tons of zombie games and I'm looking for a mature clan that has a tactical realism type play style(don't joke around all the time, MATURE, communicates, realistic/military tactics and strategy, etc.) I also don't want to join a small clan, I'd prefer a bigger clan.


So, I hope I can join a good clan like that! 


A little bit about me:


Name: Aaron


Age: 17


I love to use teamwork, timing, tactics/strategy. And I like organized and mature clans/people.


Thanks, Aaron/Scorpion817



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We joke around a bit, if thats okay we use skype to communicate add Maltier ROM on skype to join, and I'll give you information regarding the clan there.

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"I like realism... so let's use TeamSpeak to magically communicate across the map instantaneously without radios or walky-talkies!" >.>

Edited by Applejaxc

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You're free to pop along to CV teamspeak or register on the site and have a chat with me or any of the dayz members! Just find the ts on the website and pop on! hope to see you soon! www.thechaosvanguard.shivtr.com

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Hey Aaron! [TAP] is currently recruiting. We are a non hardcore military realism clan that likes to joke around and have fun. We have many positions open to play. We have teamspeak and our own practice server. Our average member age is 20 and we are all mature. We play on Human virus server and mobbalobbin. Feel free to play with us to see if you would like to join. Tap.b1.jcink.com is our forums and add me on steam jb4b1. Hope to hear from you soon. I will be on at 1130pm est.

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Hi there matey, you are welcome to check out BSB Network.


We've been around since 2002, have supported Day Z since launch and will be supporting it well into stand alone as well as continuing to support Day Z Mod (Epoch). We're an adult clan that's very stable and reliable (so we wont just disappear in a months time like some!) and take pride in our clean reputation and integrity.


We're primarily an open community for gamers to come and go, taking part in any gaming campaigns we support as and when they wish, getting as involved as they wish and we have varying grades to reflect each community members level of integration and activity within the community (as well as an awards system!). We do offer an internal clan thats invitation only for some of the community members who are a bit more dedicated and looking for a more tight-nit, long term clan solution too. We are UK based with many EU members and we're officially ranked as Enjin's number 1 EU Clan site.


We have no silly rules or requirements, the rules we do have are based around common sense and fair play, so they arent really hard to follow! We run dayz events and activities, host our own Day Z EPOCH server, which is mostly cooperative play and base building with elements of PVP and also frequent the Musty Gaming public servers for some PvP action, where our members team up against other clans and groups!


We also run our own teamspeak server and have our own website - check it out for more details about us and how to get involved ; http://www.bsbnetwork.com

Edited by Box

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Выступление от говорящ хомяков .

Было намечено и решено:

Говорящий хомяк ,Это клавное действующее лицо был куплен ДЛЯ разогрева в размере 3 штук .

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Игрушка говорящий хомяк оказалася серьезным и покорным участником нашего

прикола .

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Hi, i'm Ruskie 
I'm 17, from England and ive started my own Dayz Epoch and BF4 clan (Dayz mostly)
watch this link as it will show you my recruitment video, its easier to watch that than read this 

http://www.youtube.c...h?v=eOnchs9m8ak [youtube.com] 

We use a TS3 serverarrow-10x10.png to communicate so feel free to pop in and say hi, heres the IP 

Anyone who can speak English is free to joinarrow-10x10.png.

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