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Why am I always unable to fix a helicopter?

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Every time I try to fix a helicopter in dayz overwatch, it never lets me fix anything besides the glass and missile.


It lets me remove a few parts, but when I go to remove them it says my inventory is full, even though it isn't, because I've tested it with nothing in my inventory.


This is what it looks like http://prntscr.com/27vo7q


Is anyone else getting this problem, or does anyone know how to fix it?


Thanks! :beans:

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Ask the server admins if anyone else on the server has been having similar trouble with the script.


Reinstall Overwatch (that's an unlikely fix as the script is server-side, but it's always worth a try)


It's not a lag issue? (Hitting repair and then sitting and doing nothing for 30 seconds doesn't cause a repair?)


Is an issue with your "skin" (outfit)? I know some in "Vanilla" DayZ have (or, at least, had) issues with a few DayZ functions.

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