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Princess (DayZ)

Epoch Group (Looking for players!)

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Hey guys,


I'm part of a small faction but it seems we need more players to really make anything happen fast on epoch!

We have been playing together a while and have a good base started with good loot on a server.
We have our own teamspeak server.

Looking for players mainly from the EU/UK/US



Couple of requirements!

- Must be 17+

- Must have teamspeak


- Must be good team worker


- Must have previous DayZ experience


- Must consider the rest of the group as equals (no set member is "Boss" in this group)


If you're interested add me on skype and I'll get back to you :)



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Sounds interesting to me.


What map you guys playing on and how many of you are there?

I would add Skype but I don't see your address in the post =P

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Sorry i forgot to put my skype in there haha

Skype: Princess.Princess.


We play Chernarus mainly :)

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Intrested but could you make exceptions for a 14 year old? I've played DayZ for just under a year now

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Just sent you a request on Skype. Hopefully to the correct person otherwise they will be wondering what Epoch is and why I'm asking for a group

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