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LFG Small Mature Group for Panthera Epoch

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Looking for a small group of people to team up with on a Panthera Epoch server. Looking to build up a base and work as a team.

Mature players only, preferably 18+

Don't mind starting from scratch on a new server. Server should be semi-busy. Friendly, but with a bit of PVP risk.

AI patrols/missions aren't a priority


Reply here if this sounds like a plan to you

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I am not a small group, but I guess I could join you, if you wanted. I'm not 18 yet. I'm 17.

Add me on Skype (yurivw2) or Steam (Also yurivw2) if you're interested in playing together.

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Id love to get a group together, i made a similar thread recently but people were either dead ends or children.


Im 22 years old, quite experienced in arma.


Using voip and can offer my 10 slot teamspeak 3 server.

Edited by TripleZero

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Still looking for anyone to team up with. Mostly interested in Panthera Epoch, as I know Chernarus like the back of my hand now

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