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Dayz not loading, and or Combined Operations

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When ever I try to load my DayZ through dayz commander it loads up the the black background with the DayZ Logo and the "wait a moment... at the bottom of the screen. But it stays on this screen forever, and ever.

So i decided to delete my profiles and then try but before I did this i had to open ArmA combined operation to make a new profile, and it did the same thing on my Arma combined operations (loaded forever) I already tried uninstalling and re installing. 

I think i'm going to try deleting all the files in my combined operations then uninstalling. I have doubts that it will work but at the moment Im quite mad, and very frustrated because just two days ago I played the game fine.

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Did you start each game (arma2 and arrowhead) individually before starting dayz, you have to do this to create some files needed for dayz to work. Using dayz commander?


Heres my foolproof way of getting it to work.....


Install Arma 2 and run to main menu...

Install operation arrowhead and run to main menu...(carry on with any other DLC you got)

Download and install dayz commander...

Go to install/Update tab...

Here first make sure your beta is up to date...

Then install latest version of dayz from this tab...


Find a server and enjoy :)

Edited by Karmaterror

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