IcyZ 295 Posted November 28, 2013 As the title says, I'm looking to join a group!I'm Icy(Nick IRL) and this is my "DayZ resume" A bit bout me: I'm from Europe, Greece, so I play on European time, mostly from 14:00 to midnight, GMT +3I'm 20 y.o. , and "mature". Yes, I fuck around, make jokes and stuff, but never going too far to personaly insult someone. I love a good laugh, but I will shut up and focus as soon as I have to.I play DayZ since its 3d/4th week of release. I've been playing it a LOT, everyday since then. I'm a bandit, but not a douche. I kill if I'm threatened, if a friend is in danger or if the guy has something I need. I don't shoot fresh spawn unless they don't follow my "fuck off or I'll shoot" ordersBeing a nerd my whole life, I like roleplaying. I've been a member of the DayZRP community (suposed to be the best RP community for DayZ, I dissagree) for half a year now, and some habits stay with me. If I sneak up on someone I'll try to talk to him, disarm him, have some interaction and not just shoot.I'm an average shooter. I can use any weapon I find, but I prefer something ACOG-ish. I'm good at hiding, spent half my DayZ days hiding in bushes, so I can provide overwatch/flank etc. I'm good at spotting.Oh, also I love explosives! RPGs, 203s, handgrenades, I love using them!I'm on YouTubes/Twitch. I can record/stream gameplay, promote the group, and just have my/our adventures to watch in the futureStating the obvious, I own legit(Steam) copies of Arma and most of its expantions, and ArmA 3. I mostly play DayZ OW and Vanilla, but I dont mind playing other mods What I'm looking for:Friends. I want a group that plays together and has fun, not play just to "wreck". I like chatting with the members of the group, not being silenced on TS and talk only in combat etcA mature group. I dont care if its 18+ or 16-, if the members are mature I don't careA European group. I got nothing against the rest of the world, but my ping doesn't have the same opinion! IF anyone gives a fuck, contact me here, or on steam, add: IcyZinHD Hope this thread looks good, I spent way too much time on it!Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chritten 0 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) Lone survivor with the same problem, maybe we could figure something out? im 16 and im experienced, im a good pilot and a good driver and i know my ways arround a gun. mostly snipers though.My skype is nicolaj_flohr and so is my steam id.Looking forward to her from you mate!Cheers! Edited November 28, 2013 by Chritten Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel_H (DayZ) 3 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) I think i got something for both of you guys :D im det leader of a group named SCV and we are a fun clan, we dont play serious all the time and we dont like rage quiters, I hope u guys want to join us in our adventures in the future.MSG me if u want to joinWrote this on a phone so sorry if its some fuck ups in the text Edited November 28, 2013 by Daniel_H Share this post Link to post Share on other sites