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Looking for a Survival Partner(s)

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Anyways the title says it all but there's few things I want to add about me first!

  • I haven't played DayZ for half year (That means I don't know the bugger is going on with DayZ as in current and the others DayZ mods).
  • I either use Team-speak, Skype, or Ventrilo.
  • I'm a semi busy person, so don't expect me being on 24/7 and that I'll be always willing to play (I'm a human, not a robot - I need my rest you know?)
  • I won't join a clan that requires me to be active every day.. Due to what I said above.
  • I'm 19 if you're lazy to see how old I am on my profile.
  • Doesn't really like people with high pitch voices such as 12 and under. (Shouldn't really be any but you can't stop them what they want to play..)
  • I treat the game as a game, not a freaking bloody last can of beans (By that I mean I don't take it seriously and being like, "I WANT THAT GUN". Then to, "WTH MAN, I WANTED THAT BLOODY GUN!". Then kills you for the gun - then ruining other guy's fun for you being a little arse hat).
  • Unless you're little mature for being young.. We'll talk about it.. (For the comment above).
  • I'm not really demanding - I only give opinions/suggestions.
  • Bandit/Hero - Don't really care, as long we live - I'm fine with whatever.

That's about it for now - Maybe adding more again..



Post or send me a private message if you're 'interested', have any questions, or just, just.. *shrugs*  :beans:

Edited by Girrik
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I'm 14,still in school so I can't really play in the morning except weekends.

I just got this game so I'm clueless to the game.

I haven't played a lot but i would if I had someone to play with to make the experience fun.

You said you haven't played the game for like  months, so we'd be noobs together but you'd probably know more than me anyway.

We'd help each other out. I'm chill, you're chill. 

I have no intent to kill you later on because i believe games like this should be played together with friends.

And you know, maybe good things will come in the future.

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Forgot to put the rest I'm 15 mature (unless some one starts up my ADHD) have the servers to have skype and need a person to join for me to get server staff and I don't want to be killed or kill unless your a zombie that's different

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Hi I am looking for a small group of players to play with I am bored in running and playing on me own and getting shot by bandits so if you want to play pm me I have TS.



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Hi I am looking for a small group of players to play with I am bored in running and playing on me own and getting shot by bandits so if you want to play pm me I have TS.



I need little more info bud - Other than that, we might do good.

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Hello :-),


My names frank, Ive been playing dayz for around 2 years, stopped for a long break and I'm beginning to play again. Im 17, have tons of experience with serious clans on a larger scale and then i have experience with small functioning groups like BF4, Im looking for someone to play with on dayz and you seem like a suitable choice, Let me know soon. Cheers :) 

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