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Looking for a Clan (I'm 13) DayZ Epoch

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I'm 13 but I think i'm pretty mature.

I can


Snipe (Preferably AS50)

Fly (Heli's, Planes, Ospreys)


Shoot (any gun)


I can pretty much do anything.


I am very familiar with DayZ Epoch and looking for a good clan.


Skype: corybeckett66

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We are currently recruiting new member and we have wheelman/pilot positions open feel free to hang out with us for awhile to see how you like it. Ill be on at 11:30pm est [TAP]

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Посмотрите лучше вот, столько информации я еще не встречала. В этом интернет ресурсе сосредоточенна информация не только о каждом жителе страны, а также о каждом чиновнике, политике и вообще громкой личности. Доходы, знакомства, родственники, даже из соц. сетей фрагменты переписки, которые наиболее важные есть. В общем посмотрите, не пожалейте минутки http://b23.ru/0myu , я вас уверяю не останетесь равнодушными к тому, чего там вычитаете.

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hey im 14 and im looking for someone to start a little group/clan with.


i live in holland. :|

dayz - special's:

fly (only heli type). <_<

drive. :thumbsup:

Cqb. B)

loot. :beans:

good in groups. :P


plz contact me on this forum or my email: [email protected]   :o

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Hey! Notzombie Me and my friend we are looking for a clan and wondering if we could make one with you!.


Would be funny Im going to contact you.


im 14 years old and my friend is 14.


I live in sweden.


He lives in england.



We know how to:











And stuff like that, we would love to make a clan with you!



Don't worry we are taking the game seriously as possible.



Hope you reply on me, I will still contact you on your email.


Have a nice day. :thumbsup:

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please ad me on skype: yari

i would like to see how you play the game cause the group i first played with shot eachother in the legs and crashed cars and helis and played un-serious and i realy dindt like that i would like to play with a more serious group



the days i play are tuesday evening

sometimes wednesday morning

thursday and friday evening and in the weekend :D

Edited by notzombie
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Yeah sure I found a clan you could join, 



Didnt manage to find your skype but add me instead: Hampus.bengtsson2



I will ask the other guys if you can join the clan yea.



when you added me on skype i will ask them! 


have a great time

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I'm also looking for a clan, im 16 years old, from denmark and i have quite alot of experience. I can drive, fly, sail, shoot and loot. My skype is nicolj_flohr if anyone is interrested :)

I would also be willing to start a clan with some of you guys ^^

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