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Any way to have two character ?

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Hi fellow survivors,

First post here, this game is great, I'm playing it since 3 weeks now, and I hope it will go far, because the concept of it is such a great idea.

Anyway, after looking at the FAQ, and doing a quick search I couldn't find an answer to this question.

I'm playing with 4 friends, and we really try to only play together. But as I have more time to play than them, I'd sometime like to play alone.

So is it possible to have two different character so I can play alone and with my friends ?

thanks by advance guys, and sorry for any mistake, english isn't my native language.

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Yes I looked, sorry I guess my key words didn't match, cause this post didn't show in the search thingy...

Anyway, thanks for your quick answer, and too bad we can't do that, I can't afford buying two games. Hope this will be implemented in a near future.

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