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NEW PCGN DayZ Origins Mod Server!

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Hey guys, I'm proud to introduce our new DayZ Origins Mod Server ran by PCGN. As in the past we have had a very popular Origins that unfortunately had to be shut down because of server costs. The reason why we have put up a new server is because of the memories and experiences we at PCGN had when playing Origins, the big group battles, the building, the attacking and defending of the fortresses and all the ambushes that kept our hearts pumping! So without further a due, here are some pros to why playing with us would be a great time for not only the small groups or lone-wolves out there but the large groups as well!

Pros to playing with us!

-First and foremost, a newly hand-picked group of respectful adult admins to keep control of the server if any problems arise. 
- FRESH START! Yes that's right guys, a fresh start as of a week ago of this post! So that means that place you always dreamt of is probably free to commence your biggest dreams of building in Origins.
-Great clan battle and rivalries are what I loved the most in our past server and some have already started and are awaiting you guys to make it more challenging!
-4 Hour restarts with many warnings to keep LAG down and enough night for those night time hunting enthusiasts out there!
-Public TeamsSpeak3 Server for registered players to use FREE! Make friends and join groups easily!
-ZERO Tolerance for GLITCHERS/EXPLOITERS and obviously hackers too. Bans and kicks will be given out if warranted.

[PCGN] www.pc-gamers.net Official DayZ Origins Server info:
PCGN TeamSpeak 3 Server info: voice.pc-gamers.net:5010

Lastly, PCGN is a gaming community so not only will you be playing a community run server, you will meet others that play many other games which may interest you as well! Happy hunting!

PCGN Oaksy.

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