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New Server Epoch/Taviana/ClanWarfare

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Hello. We are a new server that is trying to recruit a few clans to join our server and play as regulars. We have an amazing server and could easily run 100+ players. But we are only going to run 50 or 60 slot server. So that it will be as  smooth as possible for each and every player. Also we would like the applicants that are interested in playing on our server to be military realism groups. Since we are a military realism group we would love some friendly, yet challenging opposition. 


         As for our rules. It is the standard: No Hacking, Exploiting, Item Spawning/Spam to create multiples of the same item. We also would like to welcome any lone wolves. We would be very grateful in having you as a part of our server; Survivor/Bandit or Hero, maybe even somewhere in between.


        If you are interested in our Clan Warfare server please follow this link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/152179-%E2%80%A2%E2%80%A2%E2%80%A2-project-royal-%E2%80%A2%E2%80%A2%E2%80%A2-clan-warfare-epoch-taviana/


        The problem with being a new clan warfare server is we have no clan to fight. So please. Dare to be our rivals.

Edited by blackout2011

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