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Any chill players wanna play? (Any Age)

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Hey fellow survivors, just looking for a couple of chill dayz players that aren't judgemental or too serious. I'm young myself (13) so any age group is good.


Age? - Any (Fairly Mature)


Playstyle? - Seriously not too silly : D


Clans? -  I'm up for clans as long as they aren't needy and forceful ( just chill k? )


Mods? - Any (Preferably Epoch or Overwatch)


Contacts? - Skype - ximorphishd. Sorry don't have a teamspeak if you have one give me the Ip to it :).


I'm sorry if I forgot anything just ask any questions if needed.





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Age - 13


Playstyle: Played with a clan for a while, so I am fairly experienced. Dont judge people really, not how I like to play.


Clans: I played with one, however don't have one now. 


Mods? - Origins, DayZ, Epoch

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PDi is now recruting we are looking for members that are 16+.


We are a multi-gaming community looking for members for all games, most of our members have and play Dayz.

We are looking for members 16+ with a positive attitude. Are you interested?

Join us on TeamSpeak and meet us so we can get to know you.

Our community have servers with Dayz Epoch Taviana as well as an Official Dead Nation Dayz Server (EU2) for Arma 3.


We hope to meet new people and have you become a member in our Community.








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