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No entry 'bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons

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Can somebody help me i got this error:

No entry 'bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons

When sometimes when i try to join a server, it even happens sometimes while on the server playing.

I fixed this before by reinstalling DayZ multiple times but i though i would go to the forum and get an easier fix (if posseble)

It's not only that error but i'v hd it happen with glass to:¨

No entry 'bin/config.bin/Cfgglass

Something like that.

Hope you can help :)

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I get the Cfgweapons one every time I load into a server. If it's not affecting your game, just leave it how it is.

Don't fix what isn't broken.

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That's the whole problem on my end. I get this error and it kicks me back to Arma title screen. I cannot figure this out at all. I have tried manually adding the files and the Six Updater. Help!

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I have always gotten the same error but I just click OK and then the game loads and spawns me.

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