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[Epoch] Group looking for 2 players | 14 + |

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Hello forums goers! My friend and I are looking for 2 more men to join our group, this is in no way a clan, but rather a group to play with people. It would be kept to the 4 of us, so that vehicles and transport all of us without the need for more. I will let you know in case you missed the title this is for Epoch.

If you are interested please fill out the following application.


ARMA Name:
Age: (Must be 14+)
Skype name: (Must have)
Mic: (Needed!)
A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences)

Edited by Tyl3r684
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Name: Dom

State: California

Arma Name: Cpt. Crash

Age: 14

Skype Name: dominiceberle

Reason: I am tired of playing by myself. I am looking for a group of guys to just play with. Especially in Epoch. Also I have many skills in DayZ, like flying a plane, heli, and a decent driver. I can also land both the heli and plane.

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Name: Olly
State: New Zealand
Arma Name: Cpt. George Smith
Age : 16
Skype Name: oliclausen15
Reason: I am a great driver, I am a very frequent player of Dayz so I can maintain good progress on the server and am very commited to my team. I like how you only want a group of 4 which is an excellent size...... So yeah you guys should accept me :)
Oh and I have a mic and teamspeak

Edited by [email protected]

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Name: Jesus 
State: California
ARMA Name: Legit
Age: 17 but sound young haha, people don't believe me all the time till i show them ID -_-
Skype name: Kidbutterz
Mic: Got a mic
To be honest, i tried to join several clans/groups and they are just not even active. It is so boring playing alone also because you can't share your experiences with someone else. I can fly heli's, drive, snipe, and specialize in combat situations. I am a layed back and patient kind of guy, and never get irritated xD. I also don't mind following orders from anyone. If you feel like it, add me on skype, and PM me a message and ill be sure to contact you back! 

Edited by Legitsupreme

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