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any tips for a noob? 1.7.1.x edition

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Hey guys, so as you can tell by the title I am still very new to this game. I got to play 1.7 very briefly and did a decent job staying alive. Ever since the patches though that removed my starter water, food, and gun I cannot seem to live longer then 15 minutes at best. I was hoping someone might have some tips to help me and other noobs out. I've been told to not stay on the shore and head inland ASAP but even then I can't seem to live long, I'll find a few houses with maybe an axe at best and even then I'll get killed fairly quickly trying to find food and water which I also have yet to find. I know there are other threads on this topic but I figured since the 1.7.1.x patches are still fairly new it was appropriate to start a new thread on the topic. So search police please refrain from posting the same old comments . Thanks everyone.

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I generally find that you can book it all the way to one of the major towns with nothing, as soon as you get there, look out for either the church or the shops with a door on the corner (I'm pretty sure they're pubs/bars) they seem to have a fair few drinks, including empty canteen's to take, and normally a weapon, once you got the basic gear, head up north, to the towns and villages up there, it SEEMS to be a lot quieter up there( I haven't my skull popped yet), and they also have wells to refill your canteen, providing you have one.

I personally haven't really had any trouble running close to the shore, but that might be me. Also there is an air strip with a few medical tents near Balota, although it's not advisable to go there unarmed, as theres normally a fair few zed's and can be other players there willing to shoot on sight.

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Thank you Shanks, I normally try to go to the nearest town to where I spawn to find gear before heading in to the woods. I've found though that the zombies are able to spot me way too quickly and once they start to chase me that's it. I'll run for 10 minutes straight, looks back and the same zombie is on me. Are the zombies bugged? Ive heard mixed opinions on this. I just wish I could find a gun, I'd take him for a deep stroll through the woods before putting a bullet in his head. Lol.

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I don't think they're bugged anymore, there were a few issues with their LOS, but I THINK thats been fixed, you can also hide from them now, which is good because before the patch I literally ran for 15 minutes with a pack of zeds running after me, got old super quick haha.

the Zeds sight is now alot better though, so they can see you from quite far away, I spent the other day in Cherno on the belly the whole time, seemed to work, but took some time getting around :P

if you ever want to team up, my in name game is Alex and if you use steam send me your account name and I'll add you, me and my friend are always looking for more people to band together with :)

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