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DayZ Epoch | 13+ | Wardogs Realism Now Recruiting!!

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Hello Everybody! Wardogs are now recruiting! More Info Below!


About Us:

We are a fairly new clan, with low members, we have lots of room to expand and grow. We like to take things in DayZ seriously, but not to a point where it isn't fun anymore. Also, Any age is ok to join... Just as long as you are mature, we don't care.


Wardogs Requirments:

 › Over 13 unless proven you are mature otherwise

› Must be respectful to all the members and guests

› Absence for an extended  period without cause may result in loss of membership.

› Must have Teamspeak

› Must have a microphone

The last requirement is you must know how to have fun and not be an ignorant fool    


Please Fill Out This Form :


 Mic - 


In-game name - 


Age - 


Mature -


Experienced - 


Type of play - ( your play-style ) 


When I can play - 


Why I'm looking for a group - 



After you have filled everything out, Come join our teamspeak at - redbattalion.teamspeak3.com and we will take it from there. Thanks! (Also, if no one is on. wait, someone should be on soon.)

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game name-dave




when i can play - every day exept if i got some study

why im looking for a group- to play dayz whit other people to have some fun 

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Mic: yep!

Game name:SkyL


Mature: yes

Experience: 1 year 6 months.

When can I play: 4-5hour after work on weekdays an most of the time on weekends.

Why I am looking for a group: cause lone wolfing in epoch sucks!

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Don't bother, full of immaute 14 and 15 year olds. They say to respect, trust me you will not get any.

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Game name-Legit

Age-17 but sound really young


Experience- about 3 months but got a lot of experience in all areas.

When can i play- either after school for a couple hours. And weekends as long as i want.

Why I'm looking for group- cause solo day z playing is boring as hell.

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Don't bother, full of immaute 14 and 15 year olds. They say to respect, trust me you will not get any.

Don't listen, this is a former member of my group who backstabbed us all the survive an attack.

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 Mic - Yes.


In-game name - Shawn 


Age - 17


Mature - I'd hope so, yes.


Experienced - Yes.


Type of play - ( your play-style ) Infantry primarily, can uphold other positions if necessary. 


When I can play - Practically everyday activity, and it's not an exaggeration. 


Why I'm looking for a group - I've been looking for a solid group for awhile. For reasons that most others have, teamwork, basebuilding and many more criterias.  

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Mic - Yes

Ingame Name - Cpt. Crash

Age - 14

Mature - Pretty Quiet

Experienced - Yes

Type of Play - Scout/Recon

When I play - I try to get one everyday

Why I am looking for a group - It sucks playing DayZ by yourself and I really want to join a serious Epoch clan.

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 Mic -  yes


In-game name - C0ldUnF0RgiV1NG


Age - 13


Mature - 8/10


Experienced - Just got back to it =)


Type of play - ( your play-style ) Usually Im good for backup, I am more common with a Assault Rifle for backup cover.


When I can play - Everyday


Why I'm looking for a group - Im bored just to play alone

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 Mic - Yes


In-game name - Ethan Hewitt


Age - 15


Mature -Very


Experienced - Yes, have been playing for 2 years


Type of play - Medic


When I can play -  3:00pm - 5:00am Subject to change


Why I'm looking for a group -  I would like to form a base and get a group together, just tired of playing alone.

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 Mic - Of course


In-game name - Dante


Age - 15


Mature - Decide for yourself, can you judge yourself without being biased?


Experienced - Since release


Type of play - ( your play-style ) If position, I prefer sniper/scout. Actual play-style I try to be a general hunter/hero but we all know DayZ


When I can play - 4-11 most days, also weekends


Why I'm looking for a group - DayZ is clearly a grouped game, me and my friend are looking to join a semi/serious clan to get some cool epoch gaming started.  Played epoch for about 3 months now, and we have never had a serious group who will listen, all they do is get us all killed.

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 Mic - Yes


In-game name - Dizturbed90


Age - 16


Mature - Yes


Experienced - Yes, over 500 Hours with Arma 2.


Type of play - Tactical Teamplay and piloting


When I can play - 18:30 - 22:30 UTC


Why I'm looking for a group -I enjoy piloting for a group.

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 Mic - no, however i plan on getting one soon..

In-game name - Toxic
Age - 15
Mature -i suppose.
Experienced - simi or kinda..
Type of play - ( your play-style )-all im useful for right now i guess is like a  gatherer  of items/food.
When I can play - 6-10 pm on week days, on week ends almost any time.
Why I'm looking for a group - im kinda tired of playing dayZ alone so...ya know..

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 Mic - yes


In-game name - aedrip


Age - 16


Mature - yes


Experienced - yes over 232 hours


Type of play - ( your play-style ) pilot and builder. im a hero


When I can play -  when im not at school


Why I'm looking for a group - cant find a good group anywhere. each one i have seen has hacked or used hacked items when i was in. and the rest were just filled with idiots that steal from clan without anyone doing anything.

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 Mic - Indeed but sometimes I cannot use it because it's a bit broken.


In-game name - Nemanjak


Age - 13


Mature - Quite


Experienced - Not very experienced, but I know the basics.


Type of play - I'm the kind of person who doesn't like going at it directly, rather use stealth.


When I can play - Heads up! I'm a UTC +1 timezone. I play around 3-4 hours a day, more if required.


Why I'm looking for a group - Ever played minecraft? When you go singleplayer you are afraid of being alone. When you go to multiplayer you are afraid of not being alone. But when you go to multiplayer and 5 friends go with you? You just aren't afraid.

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Mic - Yes (x2)


In-game name - Vex


Age - 16


Mature - yes.


Experienced - Fairly


Type of play - ( your play-style ) Tactical


When I can play - Weekdays (4pm-10pm) Weekends (10am-anytime)


Why I'm looking for a group - I am looking for a group because all of my friends play console and I have no one to play DayZ with

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Mic -  yes 


In-game name -  Mitchell


Age -  14


Mature - yes


Experienced -  alot with vehicles


Type of play - varies from time to time


When I can play -  from 4pm gmt till 9pm gmt


Why I'm looking for a group -  I have been lonewolfing alot and want people to play with

Edited by Mitchell Greenfield

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 Mic - 


In-game name - 


Age - 


Mature -

of course.


Experienced - 

been playing for 1 year.

Type of play - ( your play-style ) 

GO in and kill. (bandit)

When I can play - 


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Clan is done.


mic: yes
In-game name -  Aidan
Age -  14
Mature - very
Experienced - very two years
Type of play - ( your play-style ) flying sniping and being 
When I can play - when i can
Why I'm looking for a group - just want to stop going lonewolf all the time

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