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Looking for multiple groups/clans/factions for private Epoch server

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Searching for multiple groups/clans/factions to fill up a freshly generated Namalsk Epoch server.  We currently have an active group of players(bandits)and are searching for rival groups.  


Each faction will have there very own base(can pick pretty much any location on the map to build your base with the exception of major cities) We are accepting any active groups/clans(hero, bandit, neutral, etc)as long as you have at least 4-5 members.  


If interested message Curgon (via PM) or myself for more information in regards to what else we have to offer.  

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The server has just been wiped.  All players will be starting fresh.  Using Namalsk map

Edited by Griffith

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Our group would love to join man. Join our ts! redbattalion.teamspeak3.com

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Sent a PM. Our bandit group would love to join, we aren't the dumbest group either so yeah.



Thank god there is hope, I was getting worried that carebears had consumed DayZ. :P

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Sent a PM to the OP. I have a group of players looking to join. Only 2 of them are idiots, and we make them scavenge. The rest of us always enjoy a good firefight.

Edited by lurowene

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