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Walkers in Chernarus (Epoch {PVP, Max Vehicles, AI, Bandit Missions, Towing/Heli Lift, Self-Bloodbag, Trader Protection, Clean Roads}

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DayZ Epoch new

Map: Chernarus (modified)

Located: Los Angeles, CA USA




DayZ Epoch Chernarus Server IP (50 slots) :



DayZ Epoch Taviana Server IP (20 slots)





Free to join! No Whitelist. All bambi's and bandits welcome!





  • AI
  • Bandit Missions
  • Walker Zombies
  • Auto Refuel from any powered Fuel Truck, or any Powered Gas Station
  • Protection @ All Traders
  • Max Vehicles (999+)
  • Increased Heli Crashes
  • Custom Anti-Cheat + Updated BE
  • Vehicle Tow/Heli Lift
  • Self-Bloodbag
  • Debug Monitor - can now toggle (shows fps, bandit/hero count, and more)
  • Custom Loot
  • Custom Buildings
  • Spawn Loadout (MarkarovSD, 3xMakarovSD Mags, 3xBandages, Bloodbag, Painkillers, Morphine, Terminal Pack, 2oz Gold)
  • Cleaned debris from roads
  • Bridge to Skalisty
  • NWAF Military Base with crates
  • More Custom Buildings

All added scripts working with Epoch as of 11/12/13!  :) 

Edited by cloudys

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Really don't bother. Joined the server to check it out, see messages about admin repairing/refueling a vehicle, then two minutes later heli flies in and shoots me... ha ha ha, very funny, he's so sorry about that, let me give you a ride... absolute fluff of map mods (added buildings and such), cheating/abusing admin.

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We have bandit and survivor AI flying around and shooting from helicopters. Keep's survivors entertained.


If these mod's aren't your style, why did you join in the first place?

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wasnt ai that shot me, was admin. admitted in side chat. I viewed 'admin fixed/refueled vehicle'. All of a sudden heli over me, At that point I knew what was up, and I typed something like yah yah lol in side chat, then I get sprayed. Dont mind the combat royal with all the extra buildings and such as long as no one is cheating. Simply, if you want to play with 12 yr old kids, that talked mom into renting a server for a month this is the server for you!

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Admin made a stupid mistake last night being drunk offering rides around in a helicopter. Admitted it to everyone on the server at the time and offered an apology and ride to your body for loot and to wherever you would like to go.


It seems trash talking on the forums was the easier route to go and acting like a 12 year old in response to someone who did likewise to you. Bummer.

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quite trying to make your replies sound like what happened less than what it was. It was admin abuse/cheating period. Quit wording your replies to make it sound different than that. He never offered me a ride. He cheated the heli in (or at least cheated it fixed/fueled) then he cheated to know exactly where I was at (only 4 people on the server, three of you and me). Then he flew directly to me and shot me. When I was like WTF in side chat one of 'you' (one of the three on the server, dont remember names) was like "He's in ts, he's really sorry' and I was all like 'Im butt-hurt, and going to tell DayZmod forums on you'. and then you guys were like 'don't, he's sorry', and I was all like "Im too butt-hurt for that, the masses must be warned!" and the last thing I remember reading from you guys was something to the affect "You do realize he is offering you a ride" (in a cheated in heli I might add)... ooohhhh I get to ride in a cheated in heli! woohoo!  Again, only points that need to be taken about this server is this, cheating abusing admins run it, 12 yr old 1337 haxor script kiddiez with access to moms credit card will great you down on the coast...

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^^ Clearly not butthurt about anything. But at least you honestly verified our apology.

Edited by cloudys

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Dude, are you kidding me? Your apology is what you think is important? ok, to soothe your aching conscience... I officially accept 'your' apology. Thing is, I doubt you guys know exactly what the words "I'm sorry" actually mean. Let me clue you in. Im sorry has three parts to its meaning, "I have wronged you, I understand how I have wronged you, and will do my best to never wrong you again". Although I believe you meet the first two parts of that (you know it was wrong and why), I fear that the latter part will never be met (you're immature kiddies incapable of not cheating as long as you have access to the tools). Question, is your friend still Admin of the server? Is you friend still an alcoholic? Will your friend grief other new spawns next time he has a beer or two? Will you and your friends continue to cheat all your gear? Why did you guys waste the money on renting a server when you could have just loaded up Armex? I mean really? One by one answer the questions, honestly, and after you read the answers, ask yourself one more question. "Is this really how a good popular server is ran?"


EDIT: HA just looked at the graphic for the server again... "NO CHEATING"  and "RESPECT ADMIN" bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Edited by BelMarduk

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