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Actually Bobby

[CG] Chernarus Conglomerate [Epoch] [15+][Tactical Realism Squads][Casual Squads]

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Name: Aidan

Username: Dante

Skype: Dante

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT 0 (London)

Primary Job: Preferably a scout role.

Secondary Job: Any base building/loot run jobs would be fine.


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Semi/Serious Tactical realism

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: If accepted, of course my comrades :)

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Name: Micah

Username: ts Micah

Age: 15

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division 

Secondary Job:  Base Defender


Timezone: GMT 0
Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: Yes, i promise.

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Name: Steven

Username: Gyp Stephano

Skype: Firearm98

Age: 16

Timezone: EST

Primary Job: looter

Secondary Job: caravan hellicopter squad


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): i dont care as long as im geting action.

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: yes.


proof i can shoot from a helli.


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Name: Hampus

Username: Teamspeak: Hampus, Dayz: Hampus

Age: 14

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division 

Secondary Job:  Base Defender



Skype: Hampus.bengtsson2


Timezone: GMT +1
Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: Yes, ofcourse. I promise

Edited by hampus12345678
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@steven Accepted, add me on Skype for Teamspeak and server information.

Edited by Actually Bobby

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  Name: colin

Username: colin2135

Skype: thefalloutboy221

Age: 20

Timezone: MST

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division

Secondary Job: Handyman


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Casual

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?:
I will

Edited by colin2135

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Name: John

Username: Bob Lee Swagger

Skype: Bob_Lee_Swagger123


Timezone: CST

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division

Secondary Job: Handyman


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Tactical Realism / Causual (depends on how much time I have)

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?:

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Name: Chris

Username: Dblxross

Skype: Dblxross

Age: 16

Timezone: PST

Primary Job: Economic Specialist

Secondary Job: Handyman/ any job that involves infantry. I am a skilled ArmA player and have over 100 hours in-game flight time.

Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): tatical realism. I have been involved in several different milsim units and actively play realism mods such as ACE and ACRE.

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: For as long as people are active and I enjoy myself when playing. I am currently on standby for training for a Milsim group, but that shouldn't affect my play time with the clan.

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Name: Jon Arne Halvorsen

Username: ShuGGler

Skype: shuggler123

Age: 21

Timezone: UTC+1

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division

Secondary Job: Infantry Sniper, D.R.E.A.M. Sniper or Squad Leader


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Tactical Realism or Casual, depends on the depth of you realism

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: Of course.

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Name: John

Username: Bob Lee Swagger

Skype: Bob_Lee_Swagger123


Timezone: CST

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division

Secondary Job: Handyman


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Tactical Realism / Causual (depends on how much time I have)

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: Yes



Name: Chris

Username: Dblxross

Skype: Dblxross

Age: 16

Timezone: PST

Primary Job: Economic Specialist

Secondary Job: Handyman/ any job that involves infantry. I am a skilled ArmA player and have over 100 hours in-game flight time.

Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): tatical realism. I have been involved in several different milsim units and actively play realism mods such as ACE and ACRE.

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: For as long as people are active and I enjoy myself when playing. I am currently on standby for training for a Milsim group, but that shouldn't affect my play time with the clan.





Name: Jon Arne Halvorsen

Username: ShuGGler

Skype: shuggler123

Age: 21

Timezone: UTC+1

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division

Secondary Job: Infantry Sniper, D.R.E.A.M. Sniper or Squad Leader


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Tactical Realism or Casual, depends on the depth of you realism

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: Of course.


Accepted. I will make sure to add all of you on Skype.

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Name: Tony


Username: Sgt. Flaton


Skype: tony.flaton


Age: 22


Timezone: West Europe


Primary Job: Economic Specialist


Secondary Job: Chef (im a chef in real)


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance):


Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: I'm a lone wolf for quite some time now and im dieing to perform real team work with a professional clan. I always see myself as a hero, I never shoot on sight and i died to many times because I trust players to much. Every now and then I come accros a mature/friendly player but I loose those players. At this moment I start to loose intrest in DayZ because I don't have a clan to proof myself to, I wanna proof myself to be a loyal member.


PS: im quite new to the epoch mod, im still figuring out the building system, the trade system is quite familiar though. 

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Name: Peter Grasso

Username: oscottyo

Skype: Peter Grasso (Gloriousknight)

Age:  16

Timezone: EST

Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division

Secondary Job:
Handy man


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance):Tactical Realism

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: As long as family doesnt come up, yes.

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Name: Conor

Username: conorpadraic

Skype: conor.p.walters


Age: 20

Timezone: EST

Primary Job: Engineer

Secondary Job: Base Builder/Architect/Handyman


Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Realism, Casual, and RP equally

Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: If they can fulfill my needs then yes.


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Name: Clay

Username: Clayster


age: 17

Timezone: EST

Primary Job: 1st infantry division

Secondary Job: Infantry sniper

Will you stay loyal to CG? yes I will not leave under any circumstances.

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