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Knocked unconscious on EVERY log in

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Every time I log into the game, I am knocked out. I havent been in shock, it even happens on fresh spawns. This is seriously getting annoying and is making the game unplayable for me. Does anybody know whats wrong with me?

I've respawned countless times and I am still being knocked out whenever I log in. :@:@

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Same crap has happened to me on several different occasions. Would be nice to get a fix for it.

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Any staff help or insight to my problem to be had?

My characters name is Swizzy and the ID is 22978118

This happens EVERY time I log in, regardless of my characters wellbeing when i log out. It happens even on fresh brand-new spawns.

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I'm having the same issue and for me it seems server related.. will keep track on this thread and continue searching for an 'official' statement or bug solution.

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I am having the same problem as you guys.

Just as I was logging out one time, I was hit by a zombie.

The moment I logged in, I noticed I was bleeding, and patched myself right away (in seconds)

Now every time I log in, even though my health is above 11,000 and I always log out in a forest, I'm unconscious for 5 minutes! Very, very annoying.

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You might be in shock while you log out. Take pain killers and it should get rid of it.

I read about this somewhere on the forums and they said doing the above worked. :\

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it is a mechanism to stop people server hopping. if you jump around quickly, say to camp high value spawn locations across multiple servers, you spawn in unconscience.

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it is a mechanism to stop people server hopping. if you jump around quickly, say to camp high value spawn locations across multiple servers, you spawn in unconscience.


This definitely isnt the case with me. i stick with a server until im bored of it and i havent played a different server in over a week. 

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You might be in shock while you log out. Take pain killers and it should get rid of it.

I read about this somewhere on the forums and they said doing the above worked. :\


I've done this as well and it didnt work . 

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