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Is it possible to play the mod alone?

Not anymore, there was but it was Stolen code the maker stopped his DayZ SP from the request of BI.

Suspected of being a hack for Online play I think.

Glad to be corrected here though, not sure if thats all the truth.


Found the link to the whole story.


Gotta add it was a helpful mod, helped me learn the game mechanics quick without having to look over my shoulder for bandits at least, but if its not from Rocket himself I can't say it was legit mod to have.

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Only when you sleep and dream of the game.

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I think he meant like a one man army thing, not the singleplayer mode

If you did, then yes, you can play it alone

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i think, you can, but you need another player to give you bloodtransfusions.

so you must play very safe, one men army in dayz is very hard to play, zombies.. Player groups.. you can kill them all, but you need luck,ammo,food, and the right time for your luck!

(i think he dont mean singleplayer)

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I'm just assuming he means Offline DayZ single player. :cool:

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You can play it alone without any friends but you will get paranoid, looking over your shoulders constantly, not trusting anybody and mostly hiding in woods in north, living of the baked animal meat and drinking from ponds.

But it sure does bring crazy tense experience :-).

btw by playing with my buddy we have survived like 5 cases of lone bandit attack.

Most of the times the bandit saw only one of us, which was their downfall.

Sadly last attack was bad, we both got killed from woods.

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i don't know anyone from the game so i play alone, and it's not easy but it has certain amount of fun to it. You must watch out all the time, if you start bleeding you better have bandages and food to refill blood and stuff. One huge disadvantage playing solo is broken bones, if you dont have morphine and brak your bone in middle of nowhere you can pretty much press respawn. In some situations you get kinda paranoid (that rock in the distance moved, or did he? etc. ) I would like to play with someone but i also enjoy playing solo because these days it's hard to trust someone you know only ingame and because it's nice challenge

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