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Surf3rDud3 (DayZ)

NeonGrind.com - NeonZ | Multigaming Community | DayZ and TeamSpeak Server

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NeonGrind.com - NeonZ

DayZ Community

If your looking for a group to play Day Z with a lot, Then you have come to the right place. We love playing various games such as League Of Legends, Minecraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Battlefield 4, Planetside 2 and much more! However DayZ is one of our most promising games. We have a Website, TeamSpeak, and DayZ Server. Our main timezone is PST but we have members all around the world. We are keen on teamwork and military tactics to survive in DayZ. We are also casual so no worries for you non-hardcore gamers.
We have our own TeamSpeak Server. Which is public to all members and non-members.
TeamSpeak IP: ts3.neongrind.com
We also have our very own DayZ Server whick is currently running Vanilla DayZ.
DayZ IP:
Lastly we have a website and forums for our members and future members all are welcome.
Website: http://neongrind.com/
Requirements for Joining.

Our rules are pretty simple.

  • No killing other clan member unless you are friendly PVPing.
  • Never using hacks or exploits to gain an advantage.
  • Obey all Leaders and Officers.



Server Thread: CLICK HERE

Edited by Surf3rDud3

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