frosti 2165 Posted November 5, 2013 Among all those Call of Duties and Battlefields there was created something different and this was DayZ. However as time passed DayZ was refined and evolved to *appeal to wider audience*. Here I would like to list pros and cons of that by my expirence while playing on probably most famous DayZ server DE-1000 and while playing on server SE3 of DayZero (DayZ mod that is made to be as vanilla DayZ as possible, while enchancing best aspects of vanilla DayZ). DayZ on DE-1000: Pros:- Action right from start- easy to meet with friends thanks to ability to spawn all over the map- every part of map is used for something, which mean that you have high chance to meet players all over the map Cons:- no log out timers, lots of "alt+f4" while players don't feel like fighting you right now- easy to perform alt+f4 on zombies to despawn them- no thrill and epic feel of being far away from coast line or while seeing heli crash site DayZero mod on SE3: Pros:- can't start log out timer while "something is moving nearby"- 30 seconds log out timer, if you alt+f4 your character stays in game for 120seconds in game and can be killed- disconnecting while chased or attacked by zombie will kill your character- leaving the playable map will result in your death- If you kill someone, you'll need to study the body to confirm the kill before it will show up in your stats- disabled detailed kill information for whole server to know and general chat (direct communication is enabled)- no self blood bag- etc, Cons:- all the action is mostly in coast cities and North West Airfield (which can be arguable to be good or bad thing)- hard to meet with friends if they die while you were far away on map (spawns only on coast line, which again is arguably good or bad thing) I still have mixed feelings of which mod is better and not decided yet on which one to play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
green-K- 101 Posted November 5, 2013 The best thing about DayZero are all the enterable buildings, I'd love to see them in vanilla DayZ. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted November 5, 2013 The best thing about DayZero are all the enterable buildings, I'd love to see them in vanilla DayZ. It wont happen until BIS release all the assets :-( too much legal stuff to mess about with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted November 5, 2013 (edited) Indeed, enterable buildings, specially (in my opinion) hospitals are done really, really nice. PS. And those enterable military-camo buildings (those at Balota for exeple) too! Edited November 5, 2013 by Frosti Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted November 5, 2013 i still have to try caribou..vanilla gameplay (it seems) plus buildings and weapons from zero.i've played a lot vanilla and second place in hours goes to zero. really smooth and nice..buildings are pure freshness to chernarus, found also some friendlies and podagorsk is a funny map. but to me vanilla mod is always the most challenging, especially if you find a server with custom locations (always appreciated and worth explorations) but without donor/spawn bullshit. so i don't really know which is best. i just know which is my favourite. indeed zero feels a lot more for a quick session with high coastal pvp..vanilla is more for tents and going far north to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
green-K- 101 Posted November 5, 2013 i still have to try caribou..vanilla gameplay (it seems) plus buildings and weapons from zero. Not really vanilla gameplay, you get high-end-weapons at every corner and the map is quite small - that ends in a PVP fest, I call this the Namalsk-effect®. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted November 5, 2013 Not really vanilla gameplay, you get high-end-weapons at every corner and the map is quite small - that ends in a PVP fest, I call this the Namalsk-effect®. If you looking for vanilla DayZ gameplay (high-end weapons only in barracks on North West Airfield and heli crash sites) then DayZero mod is probably only way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 216 Posted November 5, 2013 Not really vanilla gameplay, you get high-end-weapons at every corner and the map is quite small - that ends in a PVP fest, I call this the Namalsk-effect®. +1 Went from DayZero to MyDayZ and vanilla is tonnes better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagwood 680 Posted November 5, 2013 For me, the implementation of the quick weapon swap in 1.8 has made dayZero feel like its miles behind. Beans for razor and co for sticking with it through all of the competition and unethical behavior of other dev teams. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted November 5, 2013 (edited) For me, the implementation of the quick weapon swap in 1.8 has made dayZero feel like its miles behind.Beans for razor and co for sticking with it through all of the competition and unethical behavior of other dev teams. Yes, quick weapon swap is really nice and is on list to be implented in DayZero soon. But what you mean about unethical behavior of other dev teams? For exemple, I remember when log out timer was implented in DayZ and there was huge outcry of large player base that they are not able to combat log or log out to clear zombies so it was scraped, despite log out timer being really good feature solving many, many problems with PvP. And in DayZero it's back and many alt+f4-ers were killed with empty tin cans thanks to that. See, so while DayZ is going the way of AAA to appeal to wider audience, DayZero mod is bringing back and improves that what was the best and should be in DayZ. Edited November 5, 2013 by Frosti Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h4yw1r3 64 Posted November 5, 2013 @OPI pretty much agree with you on the vanilla pros and cons, but I feel I need to add a couple of cons to the DayZero mod. At least they're cons in my book.DayZero:Cons:- added a bit too much military loot spawn locations- can gorge yourself back to full health with food- no infection- mod is built off an earlier version of the DayZ mod that caused me to stop playing due to zombies being no threat at all, and absolutely useless for anything other than a player radar.- tall grass removedThe combination of no infection and worthless zombies pretty much make the mod unplayable for me. The grass thing is annoying and dumbs the game down some, but I could live with that considering it helps many player's performance. The added military definitely dumbs the game down.And if the DayZero devs were going to allow gorging on food, they might as well have added self blood bagging. I'd prefer a restricted form of self blood bagging, such as the one incorporated by DayZ Redux than gorging on food. At least self blood bagging on Redux required you to be in a medical facility, had a long animation, a re-use timer, didn't return as much blood as when someone else did it for you, and you risked tearing an artery. Gorging on food might be slower than most self blood bagging, but it can be done anywhere. But with restricted self blood bagging, at least you had to risk getting into a medical facility and back out again, along with tearing an artery and killing yourself. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted November 5, 2013 (edited) If you looking for vanilla DayZ gameplay (high-end weapons only in barracks on North West Airfield and heli crash sites) then DayZero mod is probably only way. If you looking for vanilla DayZ gameplay (high-end weapons only in barracks on North West Airfield and heli crash sites) then play Vanilla DayZ Edited November 5, 2013 by Fluxley 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted November 5, 2013 @OPI pretty much agree with you on the vanilla pros and cons, but I feel I need to add a couple of cons to the DayZero mod. At least they're cons in my book.DayZero:Cons:- added a bit too much military loot spawn locations- can gorge yourself back to full health with food- no infection- mod is built off an earlier version of the DayZ mod that caused me to stop playing due to zombies being no threat at all, and absolutely useless for anything other than a player radar.- tall grass removed If you looking for vanilla DayZ gameplay (high-end weapons only in barracks on North West Airfield and heli crash sites) then play Vanilla DayZ Well for me biggest pro of DayZero is that you can't alt+f4 while zombies are on you, or alt+f4 from player combat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted November 5, 2013 But what you mean about unethical behavior of other dev teams?If you don't know its not worth digging up ;-). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted November 5, 2013 Well for me biggest pro of DayZero is that you can't alt+f4 while zombies are on you, or alt+f4 from player combat.If ppl wont to cheat they will always find a way no matter what you do. Report to the admin of the server we allow the admins to deal with it in there own way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted November 5, 2013 zero may have more military, but you often find barracks completely empty.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted November 5, 2013 Only other item to add is i enjoy hearing about all the variations of DayZ they all bring something different to the table each one has something better then another. Instead of whats the best whats the one you enjoy playing this is all that matters.We build the game for your enjoyment nothing more. Most of the teams get nothing out of it other then seeing you guys play and enjoying the game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beavis_5000 111 Posted November 5, 2013 Does DayZero have a good US server yet? I only get around 140 ping on the servers. And dont even mention the P2W trash BMRF (US) servers. BMRF is the furthest thing from Vanilla with Donation Starting Loadouts. How can they even call their server Vanilla? I know the real DayZero ( is legit so if the real DayZero is any good then BMRF is giving it a very bad name. needs to cut off all ties with BMRF and not affiliate their name with that BS for the sake of their mod. Last time I tried the REAL DayZero I had a micro-stuttering problem and with the high ping it was unplayable. WIll try the real DayZero tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted November 5, 2013 Hmm, I haven't played in a while but I don't remember DayZero zombies being useless? You can't lose them very easily by breaking the LOS nor do pine trees mean a zombie free zone. I'm not sure about the damage they deal but they do seem more powerful than vanilla zeds as well.One of the main things I don't like about DayZero is that setting up any kind of camp or base is pretty much impossible. I don't want Epoch style base building but tents are pointless really when they despawn so quickly. People are left with not much to do and it's no wonder it's a KOS fest over there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted November 5, 2013 Well for me biggest pro of DayZero is that you can't alt+f4 while zombies are on you, or alt+f4 from player combat. Agreed, it would be nice to see a more aggressive anti combat logging system in the official mod. But i still think vanilla has far more going for it with the infection mechanic, improved zed AI and weapon switching being the main differences, and the future plans for vanilla look very promising too. DayZero just feels like DayZLite to me, the extra performance is great but thats about it. Thinking about it, it's just occurred to me that i tend to get more annoyed at people combat logging on me than getting killed by hackers, i realise that makes little sense but yeah.. bastards the lot of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h4yw1r3 64 Posted November 6, 2013 (edited) Does DayZero have a good US server yet? I only get around 140 ping on the servers. And dont even mention the P2W trash BMRF (US) servers. BMRF is the furthest thing from Vanilla with Donation Starting Loadouts. How can they even call their server Vanilla? I know the real DayZero ( is legit so if the real DayZero is any good then BMRF is giving it a very bad name. needs to cut off all ties with BMRF and not affiliate their name with that BS for the sake of their mod. Last time I tried the REAL DayZero I had a micro-stuttering problem and with the high ping it was unplayable. WIll try the real DayZero tonight. You think a pistol with a couple of mags and an ACU (12 slot) pack is Pay-to-Win? To each his own I guess. I guess if I spent my time after spawning running along the shore without first looking for a weapon and I came across a donator who had also just spawned with a pistol and 2 mags and he killed me, I might be able to make an excuse and say he paid to win. But I wouldn't, since I don't do that. But if it did happen, I still wouldn't call it pay-to-win since it's not something that would happen even close to often. Hell, I'd walk up and let a donator kill me with his pistol just to reward him for donating to one of my favorite DayZ communities. I play a fair amount of my DayZ on BMRF servers, but not enough that I donate considering I donate to my own community (but my community doesn't run any ARMA 2 or DayZ servers), and considering that I play on other private servers about as much. Personally, I think BMRF's donation perks are very fair. You don't start with anything but convenience items. No rifles, not even a shotgun. I can find most the perk items after a trip through a market, a barn, or a factory. If they can make some money to help pay for and run their servers without handing out rifles, ghillie suits, and coyote/czech packs the way actual pay-to-win servers do, then more power to them I say. I think BMRF has a great community with well admined servers. I generally play BMRF's vanilla DayZ 1st person server. From time to time, I'll try playing the 1st person DayZero server, but as I mentioned above, the useless zombies in DayZero turns me away after a short time. But that isn't BMRF's fault. They run some other DayZ submods like Epoch, but I don't play Epoch on any community as I don't care for mods like that and Overwatch and Aftermath or any other variation that dumbs the game down. But from what I see of BMRF's donater perks, you don't get anything better than a pistol with a couple of clips even on mods where you can hardly take a step without tripping over military loot. Edited November 6, 2013 by H4YW1R3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagwood 680 Posted November 6, 2013 My problem with starting load outs is the effect it has on loot scarcity and fresh spawn mentality. For one, spawning with a 12 slot backpack alleviates the need to find a better pack before being able to carry a second primary (MASSIVE gear upgrade every spawn should have to make). Why? Because it makes sprinting straight into the mainland to hit military loot spots a little more difficult. And the pistols? Think Dobry hill covered in fresh spawns with pistols that were trying to gear up quickly on those pesty snipers. Ruins immersion for those of us that play to survive... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beavis_5000 111 Posted November 6, 2013 (edited) You think a pistol with a couple of mags and an ACU (12 slot) pack is Pay-to-Win? To each his own I guess. I guess if I spent my time after spawning running along the shore without first looking for a weapon and I came across a donator who had also just spawned with a pistol and 2 mags and he killed me, I might be able to make an excuse and say he paid to win. But I wouldn't, since I don't do that. But if it did happen, I still wouldn't call it pay-to-win since it's not something that would happen even close to often. Hell, I'd walk up and let a donator kill me with his pistol just to reward him for donating to one of my favorite DayZ communities. I play a fair amount of my DayZ on BMRF servers, but not enough that I donate considering I donate to my own community (but my community doesn't run any ARMA 2 or DayZ servers), and considering that I play on other private servers about as much. Personally, I think BMRF's donation perks are very fair. You don't start with anything but convenience items. No rifles, not even a shotgun. I can find most the perk items after a trip through a market, a barn, or a factory. If they can make some money to help pay for and run their servers without handing out rifles, ghillie suits, and coyote/czech packs the way actual pay-to-win servers do, then more power to them I say. I think BMRF has a great community with well admined servers. I generally play BMRF's vanilla DayZ 1st person server. From time to time, I'll try playing the 1st person DayZero server, but as I mentioned above, the useless zombies in DayZero turns me away after a short time. But that isn't BMRF's fault. They run some other DayZ submods like Epoch, but I don't play Epoch on any community as I don't care for mods like that and Overwatch and Aftermath or any other variation that dumbs the game down. But from what I see of BMRF's donater perks, you don't get anything better than a pistol with a couple of clips even on mods where you can hardly take a step without tripping over military loot. I apologize I just went back and looked at the site. The AR loadouts are for Wasteland only. Im gonna have to go back on all the threads I talked shit about BMRF on and correct myself lol. Still not Vanilla tho. And convenience = survival. Tho I did regain some respect for BMRF I wont be on there servers. Edited November 6, 2013 by electricfuneral Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h4yw1r3 64 Posted November 6, 2013 My problem with starting load outs is the effect it has on loot scarcity and fresh spawn mentality.For one, spawning with a 12 slot backpack alleviates the need to find a better pack before being able to carry a second primary (MASSIVE gear upgrade every spawn should have to make). Why? Because it makes sprinting straight into the mainland to hit military loot spots a little more difficult.And the pistols? Think Dobry hill covered in fresh spawns with pistols that were trying to gear up quickly on those pesty snipers. Ruins immersion for those of us that play to survive... This seems all a matter of your personal gameplay. No one forces you to donate, or accept the perks if you do. You can still play to survive. I do. And the donator perks doesn't have any real impact on my gameplay. It isn't pay-to-win.If the situation did arise that some new spawned donator runs straight up Dobry and kills a sniper, then that's actually a plus to me. I'd like to shake the hand of any survior that takes out a worthless spawn camping sniper who is too afraid to risk combat inland where other players might have a decent weapon. If that's the only way a bambi camper can use a sniper rifle, the rifle should be in someone else's hands.More importantly, those convenience items handed out to donators is a very small price to pay, as far as I'm concerned, for a good community of well admined servers, free of server hopping and ghosting, and where combat logging and glitching is punished.If BMRF wants to throw a bone to the donators who help them pay for their servers and their time administrating them, then I have no issue with that at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h4yw1r3 64 Posted November 6, 2013 I apologize I just went back and looked at the site. The AR loadouts are for Wasteland only. Im gonna have to go back on all the threads I talked shit about BMRF on and correct myself lol. Still not Vanilla tho. And convenience = survival. Tho I did regain some respect for BMRF I wont be on there servers. No need for apology. It's an easy mistake to make. If you don't look at the page closely and recognize how they laid it out, it can be easy to come to the conclusion you did. I did the same at first glance when I loaded the page for the first time, but I caught the color scheme they had going on. And when you've seen so many private servers that ARE pay-to-win, it makes it all the easier to presume the same of other private communities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites