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Want to Start a Server or Need Help Adding Scripts?? - LOOK NO FURTHER!

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Hi Alex,

Just starting up a Dayz Epoch server with a friend and we could really use some help....total noobs. I currently live in Germany, so the time difference is about 6 hours from the east coast. We are also using ViLayer as the host.


Thanks for your time.


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I was just wondering if you still do this? We recently bought a server from GTXGaming and they don't offer help with scripts..


If you are still doing this please send me a PM  :)

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 I am looking for some help getting my server lined out. I have some scripting experience and have installed all scripts currently on the server and customized my traders and AI. The problem is time. I am the only one able in my group. Things I would like added are:

Coin bank

safe bank

bike deploy

Help with fixing plot pole problems

Vector building


Thank You,


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Can someone help me install infistar iv tried about 5 times now and iv still had no luck with it.


Im putting a Epoch chernarus server if anyone could help me id really appreicate it. 

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Hello Prom, i am fairly new to Dayz hosting and scripting have been able to get a few scripts working but always end up with an error even after following every step provided in the tutorials and triple checking everything somehow there's always an error. i was wondering if you may be able to help me out with setting up a few scripts? 

(was meant to go to your inbox but said something like it wouldn't go through)


Please PM when you have the chance. :)

Edited by Nhaggerty06

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Hello! I just decided to start a new DayZ Epoch server since the server I usually played on just shut down. My friend and I are completely loss in what to do and I've been a bit busy with my duties in the military and you look like a stand up guy who can help us. 


I'm interested in:




Deploy Bike


Self Blood Bag


3hr auto restart


and a couple of more things that are probably real simple but we can't seem to figure out. Thanks!

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If you have any questions about Vilayer server ask me, i just literally like 13 mins ago just set up my epoch panthera server with loads of scripts, so its all fresh in my mind so ask me if you need with anything regarding Vilayer, don't ask me about any other server host because i wont know shit about them.

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Hey prom i'm actually only needing one script added but would pay ya for your services.  I recently had 2 spine operations and am doped to hell most of the day.  This has really caused issues with my concentration to code lol ya know being on morphine and all.  I have a near completed pbo, just waiting to add zupa coins and like 2 little small mods that are super easy.  Would love to talk to ya if you have time.  Please stop on by and let me know if ya can would mean alot to me and my players.  They all basically on standby till i get get good enough again to code, so your help would be amazing.





Edited by Slaughterhouse

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@Bean King Hey man recently purchased a server from Vilayer and I dont know how to do anything.Wondering if you can help me out with installing some addons:



Adjustable Fog

AI Missions

Intro Music
Intro Credits

Heli Lift / Towing

Flip Vehicle
Bury Body

ESP Friendlys

Coin bank
safe bank

bike deploy

Vector building


You can reach me at

Email: [email protected]

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088669155/

or TS: ts21.gameservers.com:9429

Edited by BnH Relentless

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Hello i have a dayz overwatch server with survival servers and would like to add a few things in for myself to save some money lol. some of the things i had in mind are

1. custom map markers

2. UID custom loadout (i do not have a hive.dll or whatever that is)

3. custom start messages like rules and or features(example: in the corner of the screen, Did you know we have________.)

4. change heli crash site loot spawn to have GOOD loot not the stuff it spawns with now

5. last custom loot tables!



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Bean king i PM'd you. but if anyone else can help my TS3 is Vanadium.typefrag.com:7165 my name is kethril in there just poke me.


its a Vilayer server having issues with

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