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Profit (DayZ)

Noob Question incoming

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hey guys

I know what its like when some kid makes his first post a thread so for that I am sorry.

I just wanted an up to date and confirmed answer to my question, I wish to play DayZ as you can imagine but I wanted to know if I could purchase Operation Arrowhead through steam and get the free version of ArmA2 and install DayZ that way ?

I apologise once again for making a thread on a noob question.

(also i could take a pm if you dont want to post here)


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Hi, welcome to the forums,

the best advice is just to buy combined operations from steam.. then you have all you need to play right from the get go..

you can do it the other way as you mentioned with free arma and there are work arounds on the site you use to get it working..

the easiest way is to get combined operations..

good luck

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Just buy the full game. Is 'saving' 10 EUR that important to you or are you just a cheapskate? You get better graphics anyway.

Jeez I probably paid 60 to 100 EUR for all of my Arma 2 games and addons.

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