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Game Freezing/Locking Up With Recent Patches

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As title states, every minute or two my game will just freeze for 2-3 seconds. It is extremely annoying and has caused me to fall off a stairwell once or twice, breaking my legs and causing massive blood loss. I get smooth 60FPS in game excluding these goddamn freezes.

Date/Time: 21/06/12, 7:32PM, East Coast Australia, Ipswich

What happened: Game locks up/freezes every 30 seconds -> 2 minutes, caused me on multiple occasions to take damage I should not of.

Where you were: It has happened in woodland around Berezino and in major cities.

What you were doing: Nothing in particular, logged in with recent patch to see if my game had stopped locking up, only to be disappointed.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Seattle 11 in a previous version, when this started happening

Seattle 47 to see if it was still doing it

*Your system specs:

Processor:Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz

Memory:4000MB RAM

Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Looted Berezino and had a firefight with other players, perfectly fine without this issue.

Log in the next day to be experiencing constant lock ups/freezes, causing frustrating gameplay and near death experiences.

Log in a few days later with latest version, to still be experiencing this problem in the middle of wood land, in the middle of the night.

Any help with this would be appreciated. I'm not sure if it is DayZ that is causing this or my PC.

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I have the same problem. Very frustrating. I have also noticed that if I play for long periods of time, I get a steady decrease in fps.

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I think I have found a fix..

I too had the exact same problem, it became so annoying that I couldn't be bothered anymore. I tried loads of things, to no success. However I have found out 2 things that may help.

First thing I did, just playing around, was overclock my processor (C2D E7400). Clocked it from 2.8ghz to 3.2 using my motherboard settings in the BOIS. This seemed to help a fair bit, but other people are complaining and they have i5s, i7s etc.

If you are using Six Launcher, once you have found the server to join, Alt tab back to desktop and close Six Launcher. This did help and now I have no more stupid 2 second freezes! Give it a go!


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Wow, not sure if it's because of the new launcher, but tabbing out and closing the launcher actually worked for me. Thanks alot, freel0ader :)

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Wow' date=' not sure if it's because of the new launcher, but tabbing out and closing the launcher actually worked for me. Thanks alot, freel0ader :)


No problem :D

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