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Offering Graphics (fo free)

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Hey, ill make custom graphics for any survivor groups for free, so they can have their own logo.

I'll do it for you completely free, I only ask that I retain ownership of the graphic and can use it at my discretion - Meaning I can use it any portfolios.

If you want one, give me some themes to go on, colour schemes, group name, and any symbols you want included, as well as what sort of logo you want, i.e forum signature, squad xml size.

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For free huh...

Can you redo my av and sig? I post a lot here, be good advertising.

Basically in theme with this website, and must show NZ and zombies...or NZ and a battle-hardened survivor (Av doesn't have to show NZ, but keep in theme with the sig).

Let's see what you can do

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For free huh...

Can you redo my av and sig? I post a lot here' date=' be good advertising.

Basically in theme with this website, and must show NZ and zombies...or NZ and a battle-hardened survivor (Av doesn't have to show NZ, but keep in theme with the sig).

Let's see what you can do


Hey, Id rather not do individual avatars and signatures, I would prefer to do group based items, else im sure Id get far to many requests, but I'll do it this once, just so I can get an example on the board.

I've created an avatar for you, as well as a signature with two versions, one incorporates the avatar, the other does not.







After previewing on the forum, the signatures seemed slightly to light, so I darkened each version, its your choice which to use.





Hope you like them.

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hahaha oh wow...you're about to be a busy man.

Thank you very much!

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good thread OP it would pimp the forums up abit, i prefer to make my own shit tho.

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Sorry, i caught the wrong end of your offer, my mistake.

Considering i have no GIMP 2 experience, how did i do?

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Hi, sorry, but like I said, I only want to do this for survivor groups else I will get to many requests, I did it just that once because he posts a lot and it was a oppurtunity to throw an example out.

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Can you do one for the [Legion] Group please? :)

maybe a busted up survivor or survivors, with weapons..

must have US flag in it somewere, and the servers



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We'd like to have a signature for our group. (Op4/Opposing Force) ( www.op4gaming.us )

would prefer to keep it simple and clean.

maybe a background/sky with a dark red color matching the red on the Day Z site/Forums and have a few black shadow outlines of a few survivors walking along the bottom. walking in a column formation with "Opposing Force" written in black above them?

just an idea, anything would work for us though, we aren't picky.

alternatively if that one seems like too much of a hassle, here's our Logo for reference:


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Glad you like it Chaos, the survivors are there, if you can see them, but I used them to make it look like the flag had burnt as well, which I thought looked pretty cool.

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Howdy Ross,

Could I request some of these awesome forum signatures/group logos for our newly formed group?

We'd like a forum signature we can all use, and a logo we could plant on thread topics or group pages (like Steam).

'FREELANCE' are a group of 12-15 survivors that have all met as strangers in DayZ - picking up reputable, trustworthy survivors that we can depend upon to watch our back rather than simply backstab it. It started with just 3 survivors meeting in Elektro Church, and has grown into a steady, established group operating as a naturally formed team - sharing supplies, establishing supply campsites around the inland, operating quickly and quietly while never leaving a man behind.

As such, we'd love a signature that expresses our ragtag, amateur 'safety in numbers' theme. Imagery of co-operation between survivors of different backgrounds/ lifestyles - no uniform, no military experience. Just some tough survivors doing whatever it takes to survive.

Looking for inspiration/color schemes to base it on, I particularly like the style of the 'All Points Bulletin' Vigilante faction artwork with the police tape/ splashes of paint. (Having FREELANCE plastered over police tape would look awesome, I guess.)

Image1 (right side)



It's like 'chaotic organisation' - that's the theme we'd like to go for!

I'm not asking you to copy this, it's just a flavour of the themes we'd like. Everything else is completely up to you; you've got total creative freedom. :D

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Can you do one for [THEM] Group please?

We'd like something like a viking locked in fierce combat with the undead behind the Norway flag.

That would be most appreciated.

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