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So I haven't been around the DayZ scene for like 4 months and I was just wondering about any major changes I should be aware of before I dive back into the game.
Sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this but it seemed appropriate.

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A lot of new mods.

If you want a decent game that actually tries to emphasise the survival aspect go for the vanilla, original DayZ or DayZero.
The new popular mod at the moment is DayZ Epoch, it's all about trading and base-building and the vast majority of servers have safe-zone areas and a bazillion vehicles if you're into that sort of thing.

Nothing totally major has changed other than that, really.

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Also new inventory UI, F1-F12 keys are finally unbound, weapon carry slot (now you can have equipped both a main weapon and a melee one and change either with 1,2,3 keys or with scroll menu), harder zeds and infection.

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Sticking to vanilla myself, I like the mod for what it is. As for the zeds and infection I remember they nerfed pistol damage on body shots and infection was more prevalent and could actually kill you. Has it changed much since that?

Thanks for the responses guys.

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Well it's awful now, 1000 cars per map, not that was original. It's a massive noobfest now. People that don't want to play DayZ, they want to play CodZ, and thats what 3/4ths of the servers are.

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Yeah, no interest in that stuff myself. I like the challenge of working for every little thing you get. But any more major changes in the vanilla?

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Yeah, no interest in that stuff myself. I like the challenge of working for every little thing you get. But any more major changes in the vanilla?

Not really, only a few minor changes - h3l1x pretty much covered anything remotely interesting.

Eating/drinking is now over time rather than instant.

A ridiculous 'choose where you spawn' thing was implemented.

You can sift through this for some of the bigger changes with 1.8: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/148010-dayz-mod-18-update/

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