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Hey i played dayz a long time ago but then my graphics card broke and i got a new one yesterday i was wondering would anyone like to playing with me for a bit to get the hang of it again im 16 and from scotland 
Add Me on skype if you want RyanO_a1


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We use the word 'fuck' in place of commas - the rest of it we just don't get taught in school, too busy with all the caber-tossing.

You'd be better just jumping into a server man and seeing how it goes, try http://mustygaming.com/Forum/ a decent bunch of lads and lassies and you always end up finding someone to kick about with.

The zombies.nu DayZero servers are also brilliant fun and more like vanilla DayZ rather than all the silly million vehicles and weapons servers.

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it was just a quick thing give it a break

Edited by Inception.

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Welcome aboard son,


I'm away at the moment, but there are quite a few scots around here who i'm sure can give you a hand!

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If you stop by TMW, our mentors have different courses you can sign up for to get a hang of things again!

Visit us at the forums: tmwdayz.com

Or come to the teamspeak: ts.tmwdayz.com

Hope to see you around!

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