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Chernarus Map Updates, by BSB Network [Chernarus Plus & PvP Maze]

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Not actually sure if this is the right board for this but I'm sure one of the lads will kindly move it if there's a better home for it.


Anyway, just thought I'd start to produce some of the map updates I've made over the last few months and have had running on our various servers for any other server admins that may wish to run them and save them selves time and effort messing about with editors and what not. Its my way of saying "thanks" for all the freebies I've received in the form of scripts, packs, updates help and support from the community. 


I have a whole series of these map updates I am working through to package for released on this thread (so come back soon and check out the other available updates!). The first of these are listed below. More pics will also be published soon too!



Both of the of the first two map updates below are presently running on our Public PvE Epoch server (so fully work with Epoch) and you can see/sample them first hand by visiting our server, details in my sig.



These are all free to use and distribute, I'd just like to request that files arent edited to remove BSB  remove from the credits.





BSB Improved Chernarus_v2 (With prefab bare-bone base structures):


A general map update that adds various additional buildings scattered nicely around Chernarus. Its a great quick map add-on to instantly update your Chernarus map to a  improved and custom looking map, with better loot spawns and more points of interest to visit. It gives an instant look of an edited map and doesn't affect FPS performance. It  Includes;-


  • US Military base at the NE Airfield
  • UN military camp & aid station & NW Airfield
  • Regional military camp at Balota
  • Urban improvements in Cherno, Electro, Balota, Kamenka, Berezhino, Tulga, Zelenagorsk etc.
  • Several barracks added and scattered about military areas. Nothing OP and they are always spread around and not grouped together.
  • Various military checkpoints & roadblocks scattered accross the map
  • Several hidden survivor prefab camps ready to be improved and fortified
  • Perimeter fence around Klen for additional security (or alternatively to conceal bandits as they sneak up/ambush!) 
  • Much more
This is stable and the final release and will not be improved or modified any further as it's an early version of my work. It's fully playable and shouldn't give many/any problems. Pictures coming soon!


File includes installation instructions (readme file)




BSB Maze v2.1


This adds a massive player maze just to the west of the NW Airfield. It's got plenty of loot and hidden gear within it's walls. Offers lots of fun but can be very dangerous! Brilliant map update ideally suited for PvP tournaments and other fun events but still fun to add to maps for general exploration. This map update is still being developed so more improvements are coming to this very soon!


Pictures will be added shortly too!


File includes installation instructions (readme file)




Feedback, suggestions, requests etc all welcome via our forum @ http://www.bsbnetwork.com

Edited by Box
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Cheers man, as I say its just a thanks for all teh freebies I have had form other good admins and scripters, so it's only fair. There's many more to come and I will even consider making map updates for requests if I get the time. 

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