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Easy way to find out if you can run Dayz

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Hello my names Robert


This site is very basic its called:



When you are in just type in the box Day z this will ask you to use java 


It will then tell you if your PC can run on Low Graphics <-- Not Very Good Still Lags


or it will say if it will run bad good great or perfect


if its on perfect congrats


my PC is on not recommended but it still just runs




Have Fun Playing Dayz

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Instructions not clear, dick stuck in toaster. 

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It might help to give you an idea if you're totally clueless about it but don't rely on it that's for sure


666th post, I deem this thread evil

Edited by Chris529
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Systemrequirements only use the minimum specs for ArmA 2, which is nothing like the requirements for DayZ

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