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I keep spawning in the wilderness

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did this a couple updates ago and i fixed it now its doing it again and i can't fix it any suggestions how to fix it

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Well wilderness isn's glitched spawn point it is a legit spawn point i believe it is somewhere above Cherno or Electro i cant remember but it is near one of those cities, once you explore it for a bit you will know exactly where it is.

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no i'm in the glitched wilderness nothing for miles

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I spawned there too yesterday. I ran a few minutes southeast untill I reached the sea. And from there I headed east and found the lovely place Kamenka ;)

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I spawned there too yesterday. I ran a few minutes southeast untill I reached the sea. And from there I headed east and found the lovely place Kamenka ;)

lol kamenka is sooo far away from cherno i might as well just respawn and lose all my gear

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gawd,there is so many threads about how to get out from debug forest \ wilderness.

1st of all,wilderness is a location with no buildings or trees or anythink else,just a ground and i got there once,had gps with me so i found exact coords,its 835,816(rofl).There is 2 ways to get out without loosing your gear.

Way 1. go south east till you reach 999.999 coords on your gps,000.000 is where the real map starts.

Way 2.Join any server version 1.7.0 if its stil exist(you dont need to downgrade your game unless you get sick of perfomance decrease and white text in the middle of screen saying you running incorrect version of the game client).when u log in ull spawn at debug forest,if u got compas,move east till u get to pavlovo(im not sure but i think u have to do any action to save your progress,but since your gameclient running incorrect version ull be not able to see zombies and most loot,except empty cans,so just loot one)wait few minutes to make sure that the cloud saved your id progress then log out.

note:if u got no compas then try to run forward or atleast check dead corpses for one.

english is not my motherland language so,if u didnt got the thing just ask and ill try again :)

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