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Dirty R@t$ Ambush - Raids - Action on the menu (18 + )

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Im putting together an organised bandits / mercs team , very few requirements. We play on the #1 US CANADA QC server , its action packed and its non-stop.

I'd like if we are stealth'ish as much as we can , killing from the shadows :) .  Small scale team is what i had in mind , but we will be expending once we got a solid core. The idea would be that we hunt groups and move from hot spot to another.

           We are East Coast players from Canada / Quebec. We play late. 

Requirements :  


- 18 + 

- Microphone and Teamspeak3 and ventrilo.installed.

- must have certain experience in DayZ ( not looking for vets only but id certainly like)

- We play bandits , doesnt mean we camp the coast or kill fresh spawn. ( situational exception )

- We can't be ALL snipers. Play wise and change rolls when we need it.


How to join : 


Contact me via steam : Alucard~Nasty , after you fill the application BELOW  and post reply it here.


-Age :

-Location : ( ex: mexico)

-Role that you would like to play :  (ex: sniper...)

-Weapon of choice :

-Are you a good pilot :  Yes/no ?      < --------------------( it wont affect the application)

-How long have you been playing ?

- tell me about you and your dayZ experience.


Thank you for your interest 

Edited by Alucardnasty

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