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Daniel Lugo

Looking for an Epoch Squad!

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As the title says, I am 16 and have about 1.5 years experience with DayZ and some experience with Epoch. I am mature and im looking to have a good bit of DayZ action. I'm looking for a squad which is active and that just does not sit around all the time. Just post below if you need me or add me on skype which is Bacon_Butties.

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Hi Daniel,

Getting into a squad can be kinda tricky.

The best way to get into one is looking on Google for squads that are recruiting or just playing on servers that have a few squads in.

If you find a squad, don't ask them right away if you could join, let them get to know you first.

Most squads are formed out of people that trust each other and who might be IRL friends.

I hope this helped you.

Edited by IT07

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Alright mate,

My skype is: princess.princess.


Our group is small but strong we have about 5 people and enough guns to feed an army.


Our ages range from 16-26 so you should fit in fine, we're a friendly bunch  :)


I am online most days.


My timezone is GMT+0 and I live in the UK.


We play mainly as bandits but that mainly occurs as we play a pvp server on the EPOCH Mod.



hope to talk to you soon! 

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