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Hacked or bugged crowbar

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Sorry, don't know where i can put this thread.

When i start at elektrozavodsk, i go to some lootable houses to find weapon, in first house i find a crowbar, but i realized that i cannot attack with it and can't drop it too. After few minutes i found makarov, but when i pick makarov i found that crowbar get a reload function... when i presss R it says that i have ammo (hack) 10000 or something like this, when realized that i press respawn as fast as i can and leave server.

Now i need to know, in further i get banned or i can not worry about this?

sorry for my english i try to do my best, i hope this understandable to read. Thanks.

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I think thats how the melee weapons work, they arent really melee weapons, just ranged weapons with a really short range and 10,000 ammo.

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I recall picking up a magical crowbar when i was in my invisible demigod state (Broken).

When i first picked it up my screen zoomed in and there was no way of stopping it, relog fixed it. After that i could actually use the crowbar on zombies (Who would just ignore me because i was invisible).

Its really messed up the way it works, it seems to only be able to swing when something is in melee range and instead of actually hitting it more so shots millions of little bullets around you making gun sounds and blood particles appear everywhere. It works, but in a really messed up way.

And i don't think its a glitch, just not completely finished yet.

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