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Let Server Hosts Have Their Own Databases

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Instead of relying on a "Hive" to feed info to and from; have the option for servers to have their own databases internally. This would help the lagging issues, but would disable cross server saves. Most find a server and stick with it anyways unless cheating the system and running to other time zones to get a perpetual 24 hour daylight world. I dubbed these players "Alaskan Players" ;) Not quite cheating, but not exactly the "realistic" intent of the game world anyway.

By housing the DB all transactions to that DB would be 100X faster than sending and receiving the information and stats externally. Loot spawns and item info along with game stats could still be sent in a batch job every 15-30 minutes to a central server if collecting statistics is still the reason behind keeping the DB away from the hosts and would still lighten the load across the entire network of servers.(?) And if player wants to travel to other servers a 15 minute waiting period for the batch job to go out makes the players game life that much more precious!

Server hopping:

Instead of spawn..disconnect...spawn..disconnect...spawn.. (Just saying these players KNOW they can instantly pull the data saved to the Hive DB causing LAG for everyone else). The adjustment should slow these attempts at instant re-connects. Some dump out of servers at the first sign of trouble only to reconnect at different server locations seconds later. However, internally they would be able to join the same server instantly regardless of whether the batch job report to the hive has completed or not.

Having a central "hive" is not helping with hacking attempts. Hosts would be responsible to run updates on their own databases as they are already responsible for code updates anyways. If the Database is MySQL it's even easier to do and free!

I understand having a central DB is easy to test. However, I have been in many other game server communities that allow the database to be housed internally. The result of which was several database improvements and submitted corrections that freed developer time to concentrate on the engine (or in this case the mod) itself. Loot table corrections and NPC spawning was mastered in a very short while.

I like the game, just suggesting as the category implies. I don't see any reason to exclude portions of the game for those hosts paying a price in both time and money to support it. In the end it's your game mod, and in the beginning it's here FOR the players. Keep up the great work and let the community help. :heart:

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