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Raccoon Platoon Epoc Server.

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Greetings One And All!


Today, Raccoon Platoon are proud to announce the launch of our brand new server. The server itself is a 50slot server located in France with the time set to GMT-4 with MANY unique scripts added by our very own and very awesome SilverShot.


As a clan, we have been playing DayZ together now for quite a long time,playing various maps and value honest and fair play. Our admins are available most times of the day and are ready and willing to help with any requests from players. PvP is not only encouraged, we actively engage in it with other players ( and ourselvs if we have been drinking lol) however, we do not take part in any kind of spawn camping or killing of unarmed players (unless they try to follow us or be pests in general).


Here is a list of some of the features that we provide on the server ( list not 100% complete)


-> General:
- Custom debug monitor - press scroll lock to toggle
- Tents/Vehicles show the inventory counts and their maximum capacity (when facing them with the gear menu open)
- You will be warned when going out of bounds on the map and killed if you do not return
- Klen and Bash traders are safe zones, also you can only access your own gear.
- Wrecks and Care Packages spawn with loot
- Self bloodbag (3000 blood, 1/5 chance of infection)
- Smelt 4 empty tins/cans into Scrap Metal at a fire
- Smelt 4 whiskey bottles into Windscreen Glass at a fire
- Smelt 1 civi clothing into a Sandbag at a fire


-> Weather:

- 25% chance for clear weather with no fog on server start
- Ground Fog between 2.30am and 4.30am
- Snows when overcast, foggy and not raining

-> Combat:
- Melee players/zeds - Press Ctrl+Spacebar or Shift+Spacebar
(This will kill zombies and knockout players letting you search them and take their primary inventory)
- Chloroform players - Toilet paper + filled water bottle (not boiled)
- Slice an unconscious players throat with a razor
- Take clothing from dead players
- Czech Vest Pouch is also an explosive vest
- No more force spawning. You will spawn in the same place
- Active combat system (moving, changing stance, accessing gear etc)
- Kill messages


-> Vehicles:

- Remove all parts from vehicles
- Vehicles spawn with random loot and weapons, high value gear in military vehicles/planes
- Military vehicles can dispense smoke screens with 3 smoke grenades in their inventory
- HALO jump when you're loaded in the cargo of the MV22
- Rig vehicles with satchels to detonate on engine ignition
- SUVs have Neon lights at night
- Police Cars have Sirens + Lights
- Cannot start vehicles which have badly damaged/missing engine or main rotor.

-> Air Vehicles:
- HALO Jump from aircraft - Scroll mouse to open chute. Controllable freefall and parachute
- Auto refuel by landing on or near petrol stations without leaving the driver seat
- Load Cargo - Parachute vehicles from aircraft the MV22
- Drop the vehicles inventory on a parachute - Requires 2 wood
- Smoke pods toggle on planes (AN-2, MV-22 Osprey)

-> Fun:
- Chill out next to a tent 
- Dance and Exercise - Make a fire with wood and look at it (warm up faster)
- Mountain Dew triggers the LSD effect from Takistan Life (best with full post processing)
- Farm randomly spawns on the map with non-hostile AI soldier
- Ride animals and Steer them at Farms (scroll on the AI soldier)
- Load animals into the MV-22 at farms for parachute drop
- Piggy back rides! To initiate players must salute and look at each other
- Aircraft Carrier near Skalisty
- Anomalies randomly spawn




Feel free to join us @

Edited by Spikér

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To Celebrate the launch of our server, we are giving away to groups of 2 or more basic base building items and a tent so you will be able to secure a home on our server to facilitate your experience :)


If your interested, just PM me on here or speak to any [RCP] player ingame

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this server looks awesome ^ You guys must have some pretty experienced devs

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As i said, most of our scripts are done by SilverShot and yeah, he is very talented :)

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had some new players last night. Good fun :)


Would just like to add, we wont hunt down players trying to get set up on our server unless u fire at us first :)

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There is no donation BS on our server. We don't accept donations!

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a sample of the Piggyback Feature.


Edited by Spikér

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Will ya asks Silver to get I touch with me guys (alucard0725) on steam been offline for a while (not trying to steal his genius from ya! I'm from the Bsm server and left when he did (saw his scripts ripped off all over since just wanted to speak to him if poss.)

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