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I hate Epoch, and I'm not afraid to say it. Anything in DayZ that involves safe zones, pvp areas, buying items, permanent item storage, or stupid survivor/bandit bots, seriously detracts from the total experience IMO. God it's so dumb. "No killing in Cherno guys, otay???" lol. Are you kidding me?

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I hate Epoch, and I'm not afraid to say it. Anything in DayZ that involves safe zones, pvp areas, buying items, permanent item storage, or stupid survivor/bandit bots, seriously detracts from the total experience IMO. God it's so dumb. "No killing in Cherno guys, otay???" lol. Are you kidding me?


1. Safe Zones are not part of Epoch

2. PVP areas? What area isn't PVP? No place is safe in Epoch.

3. Buying items means you have to have something to trade in. Sure you could eventually get some NVGs but you might have to hump a bunch of guns or other items to a trader which is a high traffic area and then sit there and slowly trade them in, exchange the metals to get the gold and then finally buy them. Meanwhile you have to lug around copper, silver, and gold in your backpack taking up space until you have enough. It's kinda a pain to trade.

4.Permanent Item Storage is EXPENSIVE. To buy a Safe is 120 gold bars. 120 AKs, 60 DMRs/M4s/M16s, or 3600 Lee Enfields. Everything else is semi secure but can be broken into or destroyed.

5. Bots are not part of Epoch.

I really hate when people start bitching about things that are NOT part of the mod as a reason to hate the mod. This is like saying you hate Vanilla DayZ because of Self Blood Bags, 1000+ vehicles, and Starting kits including DMRs. 

Edited by Mercules

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Why the hell would anyone trade in precious metal bars, let alone lug around briefcases (?!) full of them?  They would be all but worthless for post apocalyptic survival.


Food, drink, weapons, ammo, tools and parts I can understand, but why the need for a clumsy currency mechanism that rubs against the very grain of the scenario?  WoWZ?

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Why the hell would anyone trade in precious metal bars, let alone lug around briefcases (?!) full of them?  They would be all but worthless for post apocalyptic survival.


Food, drink, weapons, ammo, tools and parts I can understand, but why the need for a clumsy currency mechanism that rubs against the very grain of the scenario?  WoWZ?


So how many Stanag rounds is a can of beans worth? Oh, but we can't divide up the clips in this game so here is 10 cans of beans. Oh you don't have enough inventory for that? 

...and 7 cans of beans spew all over the floor. 

They had to do some sort of monetary system and they didn't want it to be ethereal coins that no one can rob from you. I got attacked by a guy and killed him and he had 2 gold bars in his backpack. Now I have two gold bars in my backpack. I have to lug the damn things around but it gives me a chance to buy something. 

Barter systems are hard to accurately portray in games as well. To see what I mean you have to simply realize that Glow Sticks, Flares, and NVGs are a lot more valuable when it is night. A bit of a joke but when it is pitch black and you can't see you might be willing to give up a bit more for a pack of Glow Sticks than you would at noon. Same thing with you flashing for food and not having a knife so you can't hunt. Would you trade another player a Stanag clip for a can of sardines? Would it matter if you had an M4 of some sort or had an AK? 

There is no way the game can track all the barter interactions that could possible take place unless an engine was built to do so. This system lets them decide the relative value of an object and set it at that price so that someone could trade an AK and get 7 Stanag clips and a Morphine.


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Sorry ... lolwut?


If items have a relative value in precious metal, then by implication they have a value relative to each other!  There is no burden on DayZ's limited inventory system with an ethereal set of values either ... or grinding to collect, melt and swap metal.



Each to their own I guess.

Edited by RN_Max

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Sorry ... lolwut?


If items have a relative value in precious metal, then by implication they have a value relative to each other!  There is no burden on DayZ's limited inventory system with an ethereal set of values either ... or grinding to collect, melt and swap metal.



Each to their own I guess.


Yes, but that isn't a barter system now is it? That is a currency system. Which you JUST stated....




Food, drink, weapons, ammo, tools and parts I can understand, but why the need for a clumsy currency mechanism that rubs against the very grain of the scenario?  WoWZ?

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Who said barter?  I said to trade those items, as they already have a notional relative value, but not necessarily to have tangible money.  That isn't clumsy like carting around piles of metal bars.

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Oh, perhaps that's just all the Epoch servers I've ever seen. I must admit, I never got it to work. Either way, a trader is a BOT amiright? It is a "non-playable character"? Also, I'm weary of the idea that I have to pay just to have some kind of persistent storage. Gold seems dangerous, considering the strange lucrative black market wow has generated from it...




Instead of gold bars and weird stuff like that, I would prefer to find an actual "safe" or more likely, a military footlocker type item which would take up a bunch of slots similar to an engine block and can be deployed in the environment a-la stash style. Each "safe" could have a simple random combination inside it, and it would spawn unlocked. So then you could just deploy it, lock it, and bam. You can unlock it if you have the combo, or you can combine any type of explosive object you might have with it to break it open. Simple. Putting gold bars into the game opens up huge possibilities to easily sell said bars for real world money and more easily turn the game into pay2win. /sa r Which is also why private hives have got to stop in the standalone. More people will always take the easy path and if servers can exploit the easy path then the entire game goes to shit. "Persistent item economy" will mean basically jack squat. /sa r


This is all just my honest opinion and I don't expect you to agree with me, or anything. /r

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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Too much stuff on the coast.  Bolata can give you military loot.  Cherno and elek can give you everything else.  Only thing you might not find is a car but who needs one on the coast?


My recommendation is nerf bolota.  Make it a civilian airfield instead of a military one.  Also add more hospitals.  The only ones are at Cherno, elek, and bernzino.  All coast cities. (though there are a few medical tents up north I think) put some hospitals up north.  Also add more bikes.  Its quite the journey to anything worthwhile up north.  Putting more bicycles in the game would add incentive to go up north since it would be less time consuming but still not easy.  

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Who said barter?  I said to trade those items, as they already have a notional relative value, but not necessarily to have tangible money.  That isn't clumsy like carting around piles of metal bars.


So.. you mean barter then... 

Barter: to trade by exchanging one commodity for another

There is a reason currency systems develop in all kinds of cultures because barter systems DON'T WORK. 
Edited by Mercules

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Barter systems work. Barter systems don't work in complex, modern economies. In an apocalypse situation you are more likely to see a fiat currency take place (think cigarettes in prison camps). It has to be something that can't be easily replicated (inflation) and must contain some internal value.

Since epoch takes place well after the outbreak, I suppose precious metals would be preferable for the international traders posted on the coast, but I don't understand why any survivor would want to be paid in heavy bars. More likely you would just set up an account with the trader and you could purchase with credit. Or "bank notes" would be distributed.

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Barter systems work. Barter systems don't work in complex, modern economies. In an apocalypse situation you are more likely to see a fiat currency take place (think cigarettes in prison camps). It has to be something that can't be easily replicated (inflation) and must contain some internal value.

Since epoch takes place well after the outbreak, I suppose precious metals would be preferable for the international traders posted on the coast, but I don't understand why any survivor would want to be paid in heavy bars. More likely you would just set up an account with the trader and you could purchase with credit. Or "bank notes" would be distributed.

Yes.. those heavy 1 OUNCE bars. 16 of them make up a pound. We definitely don't carry around a full pound of things in DayZ... ever...  :rolleyes: Not fully loaded Stanag clips which weigh in about a pound. Yes.. instead of 16 gold bars which can buy 120 Stanag clips I'll just lug around 120 pounds worth of Stanag clips. 


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I guess I don't see the appeal in getting 120 stanag mags. Scarcity makes the game more interesting for me. I kind of like looking into my backpack and going "damn, I only have 3 mags and two of them are basically empty..." That's just the reality of the situation.

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You wouldn't actually spend 16 gold bars on 120 Stanag clips. It was an example. 

Look... my first experience with Epoch was thus:

I had spawned near Electro and it wasn't terribly busy on the server so I went for it. I hit the hospital, corner store, school, church, and both firehalls. I came away with an AK Kobra and a regular AK for the highlights. I also had decent sized backpack Makrov, and assorted tools. I had antibiotics, a blood bag in case a friend joined me, bunch of painkillers and a single morphine. With the food and drink I hit a few other things and started making my way towards the Trader city Klen. 

Fill in assorted close calls and mishaps and I had used up the morphine and was down to about 10 shots for the AK. I was at the point where I was clearing zombies with a machete and both guns were in my backpack. I was hacking my way through a couple zombies to check the deerstand near Black Mountain when a zombie broke my leg for the second time that night. I managed to kill him and loot the deerstand but then had to crawl all the way to Klen. I was down to Mystery can of food ate it and was promptly infected. 

So I was crawling, in the dim light of twilight, infected and cold and just hoping I would get to the traders in time. I managed to make it, had to trade the AK for antibiotics, traded in some extra food for a spare mag for the Kobra. Dumped the Lee Enfield rounds I had for a hatchet which I was missing. Finally I went out, found an animal and killed it and got a bit of blood back. I then vacated the area. Later on I came back and traded some mags for other mags and some medical supplies. 

That kinda hooked me. On some Epoch servers it is fairly easy to make money. On others not so much. This is like it being easy to find NVGs on a server with extra barracks or customer loot tables compared to Vanilla. On the servers I like to play on vehicles are not EVERYWHERE and so you don't make a ton of money very quickly but you can find a Stanag mag and trade it away for an AK mag or the antibiotics you need.

Edit: I almost forgot to mention. Base building is a pretty large money and time sink. You might be able to buy Stanag rounds or an ATV but you will need them because you will want to loot Cinder Blocks to build a base. One wall section takes 2 mortal buckets and 7 cinderblock piles and that is a hell of a lot of weight. So your money ends up being saved up for a vehicle and then things like Plot Poles so people can't just build over your wall or remove your built items, and such.

Edited by Mercules

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You might not make a ton of money quickly, but you're able to trade away a seemingly worthless stanag mag for the antibiotics that prevent an infection from slowly killing you....

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this is why overwatch is so popular...surviving is just not as fun anymore. In my opinion of course..


There are no new elements that entice a player to survive and interact, etc.


base building? meh (epoch and origins)

RP ? dayz RP...boring


At least overwatch, you can jump (literally on some servers) in to the action, find reasonable loot within 5 mins and start takeing peopel out on the coast....


no need to complain about KOS either, because everyeone KOS :)


I like what origins is doing, they are adding some serious elements and massive updates. Not to mention the huge map update.

taviana is the tits.

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