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British Armed Forces Gaming Clan - DayZ Epoch Recruiting!!!

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BAF, are based of off the British Army as said. We do not intend to imitate anything. Its just a cool name since we have a few active members of the BA in our clan.

To join BAF you will have to fill out a recruitment form here - http://britisharmedforcesgc.enjin.com/recruitment 
After an admin receives your application he will comment and either approve or decline depending on essential criteria's. You will then be asked to come onto our TS to have a chat and play together.

Think before you apply..
are you mature enough?
are you experienced? 

are you humorous?

Its not all serious, however.. we do not tolerate any stupid behaviour such as offensive language (racism) and so on. Just use common sense. 

** We would rather you comment saying you have applied or you have contacted us, we will stay strictly between rules on the forums. We will not PM anyone without them contacting us first. ** 

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