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Memorable DayZ Moments

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So I took a look around and couldn't seem to find a post like this, so I figure why not make one?  Dayz has certainly been the most unique game that I've played to say the least and as a relatively new player already have plenty of stories to tell.  So if you're interested, sound off with some of your memorable dayz moments.


My moment is pretty much the first time I logged in.  I spawned near Cherno I believe in complete darkness , and moved across the train tracks near some buildings.  I spawned with some flares and maybe a bandage I think.  I saw some zombies near this building, so I tossed a flare to the side, and they started to migrate towards it.  I crept up to the building and found some cans of food.  As I picked em up, I heard a vehicle in the distance.  I tried to hide but it was too late.  A jeep roared up on me honking and as I was blinded by his headlights, he jumped out and shot me in the leg.  My leg now broken and me bleeding out, more shots fired towards the zombies.  Was I just caught in the crossfire?  I was so confused as to what was going on at this point.  As I try and crawl away I hear footsteps, would I be saved?  One more final shot rang out.....and I was dead.


From this moment on I was hooked.  Although I didn't live long, it was a pure adrenaline rush.  There has been tons more moments after that, but that one always stuck in my head.

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3 for me:


1. first time i ever logged in back in July 2012 - got the game as a fellow administrator of a shortwave network i work with was playing like non-stop for a month since he bought it and i wanted to try it out (also hooked ever since ^^) -  jumped into our mumble server and logged in to the DayZ server said friend was playing with the intentions of meeting up.

I spawned in Kamenka and have loved that spawn dearly ever since due to this experience. he guided me over the main road and up onto a sideroad just above Kamenka where he found me within a couple of minutes, he then proceeded to give me a tour as we headed north and one of the first thigns we came across was another noob being chaed by zombies, "hey GW, see that guy being chased by those zombies?" and then a few seconds later "wow check out said guy being completely devoured by said zombies!". From there we played for about 5 hours, the server had been in night-time for about an hour by the time we logged off.


2. first time heli-hunting up north, Webby (the friend I mention in the above memory) was also still inexperienced with heli-hunting but he knew they'd spawn up north near staryj and so on. it was night-time so it was really atmospheric as by this point i'd still only been playing less than one week. somewhere near staryj (I fail to recall exact location by now) Webby noticed the glow of a crashed heli, success!! I spotted for him while he crawled over and evaded the zombies that spawn in around the crashes, once they had parted and wandered off he summoned me over too, I crouch ran making sure to check my 3, 6 & 9 constantly with the alt button (was so happy for this feature when I was first playing). got to the heli and he had found himself some NVGs and there was the nightvision FN FAL which he let me take because a] it was to be my first heli-crash weapon and b] this way I had at least some way to see well in the dark.

we continued our gaming, again playing long into the night, and ultimately this session ended in Tulga (I'm pretty sure it was Tulga anyway) when we were swamped by zombies and whilst we were running and firing at them i was caught in Webby's crossfire which broke my leg, the zombies quickly finished me off!


3. the first time i got in a heli. by this point we were renting our own server for a month or so and vehicles were still a total rarity, though to be honest we did have a good couple in our nicely hidden base. it was around 17:00 and i was at work (though on teamspeak anyway heh) when Webby said to me "GW WE'VE FUCKING FOUND IT!!" - I knew straight away what he meant as we had been searching for the heli for maybe a week or two by this point. it was really exciting, we had never even _seen_ a heli in person yet, and now we had found it. i was at work until 20:00 that night (fuck me am I glad I don't work at that shit hole anymore, 17:30 finishes every day are the way forward for me) but we had a small clan of around 4-5 people including us 2 by now and so whilst I worked and listened in on teamspeak the guys spent the next couple of hours frantically searching for scrap metals, glass, fuel etc. etc.

I got home at around 20:30 and instantly got on teamspeak and joined the server, spawning just above staryj sobor where we arranged I had an air extraction inbound (HOLY SHIT!!! IT'S REALLY HAPPENING!!). this was the beginning of end-game for us haha. this is easily my most vivid DayZ memory to date, the Huey piloted by Webby with the rest of the crew came buzzing over the forest north of staryj and I threw down a flare (just for effect, it was daylight hours in server) and called out "This unit is ready for extraction!" or something to that effect at which point Webby performed a 90DEG turn so the chooper was side on to me and as they descended I ran toward it, it was a perfect landing and the instant the chopper touched down I reached it and jumped in and we took off in a fit of laughter and excitement. it was hands down the most cinematic thing I've ever experienced in a computer game.


I have a few more insane memories but this is already turning into a wall of yawn so I'll spare you guys the hassle.

tl;dr is basically DayZ is fucking sweet

Edited by Gwraspe

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I remember my very first run with dayz about 2 years ago. I spawned in and ran into electro. I picked up a double barrel with 3 sets of shells and ran like hell. got shot an hour later but was not going to stop playingand the rest as they say is history.  I've got some better stories but for now this is what i will leave it at because most of the post here will be "firsts"

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