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Epoch Protected Bases w/ care package and more - presented by Stakeland.net

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  • IP:
  • TeamSpeak: scan1.vilayer.com:9988
  • Website: Stakeland.net
  • Mod: DayZ Epoch
  • Server: Dedicated Box Providing A true smooth lag free experience 

299 vehicles spawned in at launch  w/ new spawning each restart

FREE base domes to any player/clan who wants one on the server. (by request)

FREE care package filled only with building kits to get you started on that new awesome base. (by request) 




Four Custom additions to the map

  •  Balota 
  • Raidable prison north of Balota
  • East Electro
  • NEAF

Static bandit AI at 21 select locations - Being switched over to Missions similar to wasteland .. 

Bandit Hunting Party.

A bandit hunting party has been spotted! Kill them all and get their supplies!


Medical Outpost.

A group of bandits have taken over a Medical Outpost!


Bandit Stash House.

A group of bandits have set up a stash house!


Bandit Helicopter Crash.

A bandit helicopter has crashed!


Bandit Hummer Crash.

A bandit Humvee has crashed!


Bandit Weapons Truck.

A bandit weapons truck has crashed!


PvP is allowed against & from within personal base domes, as long as players attempt to target PLAYERS within domes. Intentionally targeting tents, vehicles, & other valuable structures within domes is not allowed. Collateral damage may happen but should be discouraged. Any attempt to explicitly destroy personal base domes' tents & vehicles is forbidden. Vehicle kamikazes against personal base domes is not allowed, either by land or air. 


Only THREE TRADER ZONES ARE PROTECTED BY DOMES, preventing players from being killed. These zones are Bash, Klen, and Stary Sobor. While players or vehicles are in these protected trader zones, NO THEFT OR DAMAGING OF PLAYERS OR VEHICLES IS ALLOWED. These are intended to be "safe zones" and griefing therein may result in a ban. 

Any trader zone not listed above is open to PvP.




Edited by Persian_Princess

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I am looking to hit at least 25+ on the server this evening. If we can hit this goal I will rewarding you all with two rewarding events.

Event one I will be dropping off three care packages each filled with building supplies, at each of the three airfields.

Second event I will then drop off 3 armored SUVs also at each of the three airfields.

This event will start at 10pm est or when we hit at least 25 players on at one time up to 3am est.

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28 players last night were on and got to have fun in an awesome battle for armed SUV and care package kamaz's located at the air fields... We are looking to do another one very soon and our player numbers have now been in the steady teens on off peak hours.


Plenty of cars on the map with many more spawning in each day! 

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We are now seeing a steady player base of 15+ off peak. Currently over 25 players on now.

300+ vehicles still around the map with more each restart.

We also added in new missions as well as fast roping script.

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