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[MM] Memento Mori Wants YOU! (Dayz Origins Clan)

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We are [MM] Memento Mori we are a small clan at the moment infact just created.

The core of the clan is 4 players who play Dayz Origins daily plus another 3 friends not quite as active, we are from all over europe UK,Belgium, Austria, and more, we are online every night of the week and enjoy playing the game as Bandits but heroes are welcome!.  We are currently playing on a UK server very enjoyable and the server owners are are a great laugh.

No website up yet but there will be in the near future as a place to socialise whilst not on dayz


We can offer a very friendly and mature atmosphere to play along with us and we are always up for plenty of banter!
Mumble server
Alot of fun
Sector B clears (done it numerous times with 2-3 players)
Last but not least well coordinated team play when its needed!

Our goals as a small clan are to increase the members to around 10-15 ACTIVE players to form a solid group, we will build a Stronghold as soon as we can!!
We dont and never will own our own server its too much hassle for what we want from the game
We play as bandits as we find it to be the most fun! heroes are welcomed but expect to be involved in some heavy firefights as we do look for them
We take part and always plan to take part in any server events (often on this server, the latest being a stronghold attack with high end rewards)

So to join us just jump on our mumble server and we will happily take care of you or alternatively you can PM me here and il be in touch!
Address: miffysplayhouse.mumble.com
Port: 9930

Look forward to meeting you!
Cheers, Hixxy

Edited by HixXy86

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