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Classic Romero Zombies

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Would be cool if fast zombies where rarer and the majority where the slow headshot only kind. More of the slow and less fast. Say instead of running into 15 zombies as the church thats packed full of fast ones you run into 20 slow and 2-3 fast ones mixed in the crowd. Still keeps the difficulty of the fast ones and the attrition of the slow ones. Higher zombies numbers to keep the difficulty up. Great mod by the way. Any chance of adding disease?

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Slow zombies have been discussed. They'd be easy as hell to outrun, and because of that there'd need to be a lot of them, which isn't workable due to the lag they'd cause.

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atm zombies are set to 95% runners... this needs to really change, you can add in child zombies, hoppers/leapers, more faster crawler versions... There are many options to add challenge for the player rather then having all zombies run like mad!!

You can also have it so once a player kills a slower zombie then another is spawned out of sight slightly so that it emulates HORDES of zombies yet preserves server performance.

ATM the mod is spawning many zombies that are NOT interacting or near players, for example a couple players pass through a town, as they leave 50 zombies spawn and walk around doing nothing!.. Perhaps some of these zombies can be kept in a VIRTUAL repository rather then being spawned and left forever until someone kills them?

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Yes, basically you could do this, have 1 zombie represent the horde, then when player is closer you could spawn more. The trick is doing it in a way that doesn't look stupid (100 zombies spawn infront of your eyes type of thing).

Atm I believe the spawn system needs a bit of work, 1) when player is clearly moving away from area then those zombies should revert to virtual storage until player(s) return. 2) Larger groups of zombies could be virtual via script rather then spawning them all the time. This might prove useful for lowering that 5-15MB/SEC data usage :)

I'm not a talented scripter so really do not know what would work practicably. Perhaps a external zombie simulator is needed to simulate mobs and such rather then letting ARMA2 do all the work?

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