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Looking for some fellas to join my group on DayZ Epoch.

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I have a group of friends in DayZ Epoch, and we don't have enough guys to defend our base. I don't feel like typing, so speak to us on Skype.


Skype: mctrollerson (The one with the picture of Ed Gein)

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Legion of Honor is recruiting






See our recruitment post for details: Legion of Honor is recruiting again!


We have a minimum age requirement of 16. Our members are friendly and respectful, as well as active. Legion of Honor always kicks ass.

Come hang with us on TS! IP is

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Original Degree Gaming Community


Website = www.originaldegree.net

TS3 = ts3.originaldegree.net

To be able to find the server filter = [OD] 


Our Server's Features In A Nutshell



24/7 Admins: We make sure we have admins on 24/7 even at midnight we have staff from around the world working with us. and by any chance you have any problems our TeamSpeak is always open feel free to join the help desk.


Auto Refuel And Repair: We are proud to provide our players with auto refuel and repair at all gas stations.


High FPS: We clock a beautiful FPS when you play with us and we use FPS Booster to make your experience as clean as possible by removing lag hourly.


Most Vehicles Guaranteed: We have over 1000 different kinds of vehicles in large quantities. We guarantee you will find a vehicle within 5 minutes of joining!


Custom Base Save: We have more than 60 base building parts and with donations we can even give you your own spawned building's airfield's and vehicles!!!


Anti Hack: Our anti hack is custom scripted by Survival Servers and is not even noticeable when you join the server but it is one of the best our players have ever seen it takes an average of 3 minutes to get a player with a bypass banned.


Customized Loot: Coming Soon;)


Lift/Tow: On our server we offer lift and tow for helicopters and cars we even let you find a tow truck.

Donation Perks: We offer flexible and affordable donation perks to all of our players.


Self bloodbag: Coming soon;)


Thank you For Choosing Original Degree

Games The Way They Are Meant To Be Played

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