twoinches 1 Posted July 4, 2012 This thread is so full of wrong. When you die (boo-hoo qq it happened get over it) its not very hard to gear back up to a decent level to then go hunt the harder spawns.try spawning in Kamenka. run north to and hit the three deer stands. Hit Pavlovo, keep going north, hit 2 more deer stands, then supermarket in and barn Zelnegorsc. Most servers that route is very low pop and there is a high payout for mid tier gear. also you can head to stary or NWAF after and really get gear. thats like a 20 minute trip and your back in the swing of things.also use maps like this to help you find loot where you might miss it. out of cherno and electro unless you dont care about death because they are extremely high pop with bandits on every server. this game is very easy at the moment re-gearing by just running into a building or up or down a steep hill so pulling zeds doesn't matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Combine (DayZ) 247 Posted July 4, 2012 It's not that impossible to get by at the beginning. LUCK also plays a role. I never had major concerns when respawning and trying to loot bigger places so far. Maybe luck, but hey, it has to work eventually, even after several attempts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Stop picking the servers with 45/50 players and you would be shocked at how easy the game becomes, that and GTFO of the coastal area and work your way north to Berezino for hospital supplies and groceries (matches are the key item here).My only death in the last week of playing has been from myself having to suicide my way out of a Debug area. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mixshows 2 Posted July 4, 2012 I just love coming on to threads like these were noobs expect to run into a town of zombies and get away unharmed.This isn't CoD' date=' L4D, Zombie Panic, Black Ops Zombies. You can't bunny hop to victory.[/quote']And I just love coming to threads like these because I'm experiencing the same exact thing only to see elite players like you who expect everyone else to possess the same amazing, god-gifted zombie slashing 6th sense that you carry with you into battle like a badge on these servers. :angel::idea: Point is the combination of bone breaking zombies, who also have more sensitive hearing than before and not being able to slow crawl without a weapon leads many of us to continuously respawn over and over. Dont know what games you play, but its not fun crawling for 2 hours, sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 4, 2012 I just died the other day, and when I respawned I had no trouble making my way inland. I found a winchester in a barn, made my way north (stopping at every town to check for food/water) and eventually found a town with a market. There I found a bigger pack, a ton of food/water, a map, and more ammo. All this without ever firing a bullet.Games too hard? lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixbarns 217 Posted July 4, 2012 Don't run from zombies. Hit them with the hatchet. I don't even bother with long guns anymore unless I know I'm heading to a popular spot. The hatchet is all I need. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunnz 24 Posted July 4, 2012 Dayz: Go into townBe very cautious( i mean i am soo cautious that its getting very boring now)Attract zombies( which will happen 90% of the time as the zeds have super senses and buildings seems to enhance how much sound you make and they see through walls)> Run through a two entrance building, lose them ( repeat form number one until your out of town)>> No two entrance building so very unlikely to lose themHave to shoot them all1 minute later all re-spawn and one happens to re-spawn near you and you aggro them again...Repeat till you leave town Its in alpha, so i can understand some things. I hope the zeds respawn timer is not what Rocket wants it to be and just a bug.Should be more like: > shoot up all zeds, get some damage on you, but have the whole town pretty much empty for like 5 or more minutes, risk/reward for going this route> sneak around and take less damage as you wont create attention, as you wont be shooting and will be sneaking you wont attract other players to the city or your position, if you get caught you will be in big of trouble as you might not be near any good building to fight them or lose them.Hope its more like that, but not my mod so whatever. ( all my opinion) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mixshows 2 Posted July 4, 2012 Be very cautious( i mean i am soo cautious that its getting very boring)This! Well said sir. It's not so much that it's too hard, it's definitely possible to get in and out with supplies out of a zombie infested town, question it fun?After all it's why we're all here, because we love having fun. I have played dayz for a while , and it's no longer as fun as it used to be. Period. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Just want to say one thing wont even touch on the people that say its "too hard", but for everyone that complains about bugs and glitches you have to realize this is ALPHA TESTING! I mean damnable I'm sick of hearing people complain about fixing these right now. You should be grateful that they are letting you play a game/mod that's in alpha stages since usually alpha testing is reserved for staff and friends and a few select people, if you want to play a game that doesn't have bugs and glitches go PAY for one that is released already. Just my 2 cents and sorry for the raging just sick of the give me everything I want right now additude gamers have these days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Muukentuuken 2 Posted July 6, 2012 well put it this way' date=' if you got shot and started to bleed, there is a good chance you will pass out from bloodloss, the only thing i dont agree with is getting punched by a zombie and instantly start bleeding, you would never bleed from betting punched, if you got scratched you would bleed for a few mins but you would barely lose 200 blood, if you got bit mabey 600 at the most, but i have been walking along a road and a zombie sees me from got knows where, and he runs over to me and punches me one time, i lose 2000 blood before it stops bleeding or i bandage myself, how in the hell is that realistic? i can understand getting shot, first of all getting shot shouldnt reduce your blood by 8000, you should have some kind of pain mechanism, passing out from pain from being shot makes sense, what i have been thinking is:Pain Response - Getting shot no longer reduces your blood instantly, instead your pain meter will go down after being shot, the closer to flashing red your pain meter is the more of a chance you pass out from the pain.New Blood System - if you get scratched punched or bit instead of it instantly taking it out on the blood, you will start losing blood normally, and after so and so amount of time it will stop bleeding unless you bandage yourself beforehand, but now the inital hit will be pain instead of blood.Body System - If you get shot your body is going to be less useful, get shot in the arm, its going to be alot harder to aim a gun, you will have less accuracy and you will probably get pain from using that arm, in the leg? you will run slower and get pain from running, walking will still be normal and less pain from walking, head? you pass out instantly and probably die straight out from trama if not then you slowely bleed while having a large pass out, and body, if you didnt die from the hit then you get pain and trauma and you start to bleed, the bleeding of a body doesnt stop like it would for an arm or leg.Trauma System - this is the new bloodloss system, when you get hit or shot you will lose trauma, instead of having 12000 blood you would have more like 8000 (around 8 pints of blood is normal i believe) and you would have another 4000 trauma, when you get hit you lose trauma, when you use painkillers you gain trauma back, 2000 per morphine would suffice, lets say you get hit by a zombie, most likely the most you would get hurt with trauma would be 100 isnt life threatening, you may or may not bleed and you would get some pain, that shit hurts, if you get bit then you would bleed and it would hurt like hell, and you would probably suffer a bigger amount of trauma (assuming these zombies do bit or plan to bite) and then we have getting shot, you would suffer alot of trauma and possibly die depending on where you got shot and what gun, bigger guns like snipers or getting sprayed by a assult rifle will kill you dead, getting shot in the left from a pistol would hurt and you wouldnt be able to run as well, but you wouldnt die from a shot to the leg, ever. So having thought this through as far as i can tell this would be more along the lines of realistic, i mean personally the bodily trauma of getting shot in the head would kill you, you would bleed but not forever from a hit from a zombie, expanding the system this way personally makes me think this would be more realistic which i assume is what this game is going for.[/quote']tl;dr cry moreAnyone who has problems with zombies should get good. Or you can just keep crying until eventually the devs create a single player version just for babies like you so you can turn on God mode and not die from zombies. Yup.And I just love coming to threads like these because I'm experiencing the same exact thing only to see elite players like you who expect everyone else to possess the same amazing, god-gifted zombie slashing 6th sense that you carry with you into battle like a badge on these servers. :angel::idea: Point is the combination of bone breaking zombies, who also have more sensitive hearing than before and not being able to slow crawl without a weapon leads many of us to continuously respawn over and over. Dont know what games you play, but its not fun crawling for 2 hours, sorry.Clearly you're doing it wrong. I slow prone past zombies and just fast crouch into houses. And if you get chased by zombies just run into a house and run out the back end. Most houses have back doors. Its piss easy, most people are fine with the game, its just the cry babies that make people think this game is impossible. I got the game 2 days ago and played only a few hours a day and I'm already bossing through it solo. It doesn't take 6th sense zombie l33t skills to get through. It just takes some time to learn the mechanics and get good.Crying on forums certainly doesn't help with either of those. especially the getting good part. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mixshows 2 Posted July 9, 2012 * [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)YES!!!!!!!!FINALLY! Thanks Rocket! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esuoh 35 Posted July 9, 2012 Today I died, spawned in Cherno. Got an AKM from the Fire Building, got a Map, Food, Water, and a pistol from the Supermarket.Later I found a survivor that wasn't answering to me and when he pointed his Shotgun at me I killed him instantly, traded my regular backpack for his Alice Pack and packed it with Food+Water.I headed out to the nearest Hospital and used a Whisky Bottle to break the window, from where I got 1 blood bad, 2 morphines, and some painkillers/bandages.When I was going to exit the building, I heard shots from the building next to me. Some guy just killed a Survivor and was being attacked by the Zombies. I climbed on top of the Hospital and waited for him to clear the Zeds and come back out.I shoot him three times with the AKM and he's down. I got some more food and 1 clip for the AKM.I'm heading for the NWA now, hoping I find some good loot around there.I have no idea why people kill saying the game is too hard right now. The zombies are way easier than before, you can walk around in the cities and get whatever you need to survive in the first 15-20 minutes after you spawn.If you die, you're just bad or had bad luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b_winter 0 Posted July 9, 2012 Ok i have an m16 4 clips and an M9sd with 2 clips had more a LOT more stored in my truck but its vanished after updating today to from 1.7.0. I have NVGs and im finding it impossible to go near sheds or lone constructs let alone a F&^King town ! so far i have used most of my M9sd ammo because guess what if you do make it past the Zs unseen IF ! you get to the shed and F&^K me theres a Z in there . Now i have a supressed pistol for how long im not sure but what the F&^k do you do if you havent ? moving is a death sentence let alone firing a non supressed weapon !. I cant imagine what it must be like for the new guys ' date=' run all that way to a shed with out a gun PHEW to only get there an aggro a mob thats inside result probably in death .JESUS HOW HARD IS THE GAME GOING TO GET ? I thought 1.70 was fine fair risk and reward , i found the zombies still to be challanging in that version it was fine i open up im gonna attract a few but il clear the area and move on ! now as mentioned you fire your almost screwed for sure. If the SAS and millita hardcores out there want to crank it up cant this be done through game settings ? if not why dose every server have to update cant we just have some goo back to running 1.70 ? Im kinda confused i wanna play but am just finding it too hard so what do i do and the others like me do ? I expect a lot of grief for sure but i had to write this im close to crying ! Thx community for listening.[/quote']You're doing it wrong, I think. I've had absolutely no problems not aggroing Z's in, just like I had no issues in past patches. Slow down, watch what direction the Z's are headed, and prone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites